Twilight with a Twist (the millionth try)

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Luna walked into the room were her son was " Oh, good he still here," she told him, picking him up. " So you saying they not here any more I'm just seeing things?," she asked.

Leo nodded " Yes that's it now I most go," he told her.
She looked up at him " OK if you say so," she told him, sitting down in the rocking chair rocking Pablo to sleep " Aaron you haven't held him yet have you?," she asked.
She place him in his arms " There you now hold his hand like this," she told him, with a smiled " There you go aw he smiling at you," she told him, kissing him.
She sat behind him " You doing all right now relex your hand," she told him.

Pablo spit the bottle out

Luna took him placing him on her shoulder patting gentle on his back.
She put him in his bed " Night night sweet heart daddy and I well be down stairs," she told her son, taking Aaron's hand " are you hungry?," she asked, then stoped her eyes point up " Is someone post to be home at this time?,' she asked.
His brother came into the house " Aaron I'm home it was a half day today and it was sweet," he told him

Luna rolled her eyes " Oh, great a little bug is here," she told him, with a hiss.
Tim just looked at her " Wait hold up you got a girl in the house gross Aaron," he told him.

Luna rolled her eyes " Do you have a problem with that little bug," she asked, with a hiss.

Tim laugh " Oh, this be fun," he said, walking into the kitchen.
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