Username Changes

I guess I wasn't here then because I don't remember anything like that^Or it's just my bad memory again.

It was just for a night. XD I changed it back in the morning.

Well there, Lava, good girl. Guahahah. XD No, I think I do know a few people who actually know the original Lilith. *points out Vaness par exemple*
Taha...ya..I know. :p XD I wanna change mine..since, its messed up anyways (dumb question mark)...but Ill wait longer. maybe till the end of the year.
I'll never change my username, it just gets too confusing after a while. First he's Dawn Avenger, then he's Madman, then he's Protagonist, then he's PeterC, then he's Protagonist again, then yeah. Never doing that again.