
Celine_USA said:
hahahha! I didnt think
would have a crush on edmund. however i come in peace. he IS a good actor. but its william all the way for me! :D :rolleyes:

Cool, you like Skandar too!!!
*brings thread back to life with touch of magic wand*
Hopefully it'll be on the special features of the collectors edition of the Narnia dvd.....probably Anna's documentary...HOPEFULLY :eek:
alright, for all the girls who want videos of skandar, i have some... for that one, to the left of the screen (hold control+F) there will be "search" it. under "star" type in skandar keynes. there will be a pic of him and below it will be the link to the video. for that one, look to the bottom right, where william and skandar are. click the play button. you can even make the video fill up your ENTIRE screen.

i think i know more, but there are some if you wanted to watch them. :)
*SkandarsQueen* said:
Yea we have all these videos and more at this page of me and chloes skandar site:
oh yeah! i knew that! lol! there are a LOT of vids there. oh! there is this really cute/funny vid of Edmund on just search "turkish delight" or "skandar" (not skandar keynes, just skandar) and there will be a great narnia video! i think you'll like it! check it out!
Great site
I didn't see it before, have great clips

A question, when did the press conference in tokyo took place? LWW premiered March 4 on Japan according to imdb
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georgie_daugther_of_eve said:
Great site
I didn't see it before, have great clips

A question, when did the press conference in tokyo took place? LWW premiered March 4 on Japan according to imdb

Oh hmm thats a toughie...I remember uploading it.....well the photos, on the same day that it took place. Ok the press conference was Feb. 15. :)
*SkandarsQueen* said:
Die; TRLess. :p Ur welcome!
ANd thanx everyone for the sites compliments!
Just finished watching the TRL Video
Ah william, the nervous person that he is. So mr. teacup eh? :cool: :cool:
Yea lol you gotta love his sense of humour!
"No, you dont kiss the hand! You dont know where its been!...." :eek: :D ROfl!
"But, skandar was next to me who basically played Edmund and he stuck out his hand and was like "HEY!" " LMAO! :eek: *the way Will said it was hilarious!*
*SkandarsQueen* said:
Yea lol you gotta love his sense of humour!
"No, you dont kiss the hand! You dont know where its been!...." :eek: :D ROfl!
"But, skandar was next to me who basically played Edmund and he stuck out his hand and was like "HEY!" " LMAO! :eek: *the way Will said it was hilarious!*

LOL typical of skandar! i was like "That's the way to go"!!!!
Yea, just in case you want to see that happeneing, him doing that, go to me and chloes skandar site (in sig) and go to this page and choose the Narnia London Royal Albert Hall Premiere video (the long one) 30 minutes! WOOOOOOO! :eek: