Virtual walk through Middle-Earth

i be she. and u?

guys, guys, calm urselves... i hopw u have some money. i expect u to pay for my drink cause i guided u here... hehe... i hope u habe money, because starbucks in the middle o mirkwood are very xpencive, moslty casue they are kept spider free, and thats not cheep....
*walks up to starbucks counter.*. i will have a--- wait a moment. *looks under counter.* uh, guys, good news, adn bad news... and for some people all bad...good news, it seems the booth is deserted, but it is very well stocked... bad news from some... unfortunatly, if the mirkwood elves find that any one but an elf has been robbing their srtarbucks...... hehe.. things might not go to well...
bad nbews for all.. hehe... it seems that the elves were overwealmed very reacently by spiders.. hmm hmm hmm.. and if i am reaading the sighns correctly, it seems as if they didnt even stop to feast yet, but went back to get their king and then they will be coming back directly to feaast... meaning........ that in less than 30 min, and perhaps as few as 5 min, there will be a huge number of overgrown spiders heading this way..........

what do we do?

oh, and the worst news yet. i dont know how to make the drinks... i forgot to bring along me brother, who does... shoot. knew he wuold come in handy for something.
*Finishes bouncing off trees n' settles down*
"Uh oh...Good thing I'm related to an elf. Mayhaps we outta follow the elven tracks n' go north, lest we be overrun ourselves." *Takes another LOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG sip n' bounces more* :D
*Gets stuck in a tree* "GAAH!!!Mayhaps we are too late" *Spies something moving about 50 or so yards away...* "TO POSITIONS!!!WE CAN AMBUSH EM!!" *Watches as Fluffy tries in vain to hide behind a bush...* :D
whos fluffy and how did u get stuck in a tree???? And ppl are nuts becasue they have immaginations :) strange immaginations.... :cool:
*pants* finally caught you..i'm gonn take away ya'lls starbucks if you don't stop ur bouncing and stuff....and if you ask "you and what army?" just look behind me....
oh yeah and Eressa where are we? never told
let me repeat in more clear words where we are. we are currently standning in a deserted elven starbucks. deserted because the spideers attackd. now the spiders are coming full speed ahead to the starbcuks to get coffee and such, and we are in it. we have no one to make drinks for us becuase no one knows how. gkon has brillaintly gotten stuck in a tree, (dont ask how, u dont need to, for petes sake, he is gkon, what else needs to be said?) and his pet... fluffy, a huge... something, i belive it is a troll, wants to ambush the oncoming spiders.
what are we going to do?
Pippin said:
whos fluffy and how did u get stuck in a tree???? And ppl are nuts becasue they have immaginations :) strange immaginations.... :cool:

"Fluffy is an attack troll(more specifically a mountain troll-bigger than a cave troll...) He's on our side and will do you no harm, hobbit of the Shire.Further more I bounced a bit too hard and hence i'm now stuck in the boughs of a tree." *thinks a moment...* "AHA!!!In my pocket you will find a bottle of hotsauce...yes hotsauce. Pull it out, and smear it all in front of the spiders' path." *Wriggles n' squirms* :D
"WHAT!!???WHY NOT!??" *Wriggles more* "Well if you wanna try n' assail the spiders at LEAST pass me a frappacino...They've a vending machine w/ pre-bottled starbucks." *Wonders why noone saw it @ the base of the tree he's stuck in...* "FLUFFY!!!FLUUUUUFFFFFYYYYYYY!!!FETCH!!!COMEON BOY!!!Grab me a starbucks..." *Watches as the Spiders draw ever cloesr* :D
*Catches movement out of the corner of his eye* "THEY'RE HEEEEEERRREEE!!!" *Pulls out bow n' strings an several elves hop out!* "Whoops...Hi fellas." "We've recieved word you strayed off the trail. Come, the halls of Thranduil king of Mirkwood are not far from here." "Okay" *Nods to the others n' starts to follow the elves...* :D