Voice of the Animals - Sforzando77's Short Story that Got Out of Control

Thanks for the replies! To answer your questions about her mother, she is just very concerned with how the future of the kingdom is going to play out. I also have some ideas about how she was "forced" into marriage, and even though it worked out and she is happy now, maybe there were some things it prevented her from being able to do... I dunno, they're underdeveloped ideas... anyway, some more...

“I think I’ll run away.” She said to herself.

Run away? Oh please don’t, that would be dreadful. Silver had come into the room and overheard her. Who would I have to talk to?

“Well, you could…you could come with me.” Appalla said.

Really? Oh thank you, thank you miss. I would be honored. Silver said.

“Well get ready, because we’re going to leave soon.” Appalla looked at the clock. She had ten minutes to get ready and go before her mother came looking for her. I’ll need a change of clothes, but all of mine are too fancy to keep me inconspicuous. She thought to herself. Rummaging through her bureau drawers she came upon a box of necklaces, bracelets and brooches that she had been given over the years. Well, She thought, I guess I could take these along in the saddle bag and trade them in for clothes once I get out of Dendro Coelc. She placed them in a small silk bag and called to Silver, “Are you ready?”

When you are miss. Silver said.

“Good, we have to go now.” She picked up Silver and left the room quietly. No one was in the hall. She tiptoed down the hall in her riding boots and when she got to the first floor, snuck out of a window to avoid anyone. She went to the barn and ran to Callistar’s stall.

“Calli! Wake up! We have to go now!” Appalla said when she reached Callistar’s stall. The mare was sound asleep and did not like to be woken up at unusual times.

Oh, h-h-hello Appa-a-alla, she said between a yawn. What do you need? Appalla told her the story of what happened after their ride with Prince Castor. But I thought you said you liked Castor, Appalla. Why wouldn’t you want to marry him? Callistar asked.

“Well, I do like him, but not enough to want to spend the rest of my life with him. He’s a friend, but couldn’t be any more than that.” Appalla said. “Do you understand, Calli?”

Of course I understand. Callistar began. However, I think you’re being a little bit hasty. You don’t really know him yet.

Excuse me, but I think that before we leave we should take some food along. If we don’t know how long we’ll be gone it is important to have something to eat. Silver said.

“Oh, I didn’t think of that. There’s no way I’ll be able to get into the kitchen without being seen.” Appalla sighed.

Luckily, Callistar began. I know that the grooms hide some food in the cabinet under the grain bin. There’s usually some bread and cheese.

“Great!” Appalla said. She ran into the large tack room and opened up the cabinet under the bin of sweet smelling grain. She couldn’t see into it very well, but after fumbling her hand about for a moment, she was finally able to pull out a small burlap sack. “Hmmm…” She opened the bag and found a half loaf of bread and some crusting cheese. It was nothing like what she got at the castle, but she knew she couldn’t be picky. This’ll have to do. Appalla thought to herself. She walked back out of the tack room to Callistar’s stall. She held the bag out to her two companions.

“This was all I could find.” She said.

Silver sniffed the sack disdainfully and then said, Are you sure there wasn’t anything else?


Ok, it’s clear. Silver said as Appalla led the tacked Callistar out of the barn. She was dressed in a coat, shirt, pants, and hat of her father’s. She got up on Callistar and Silver leapt up and lay down behind the saddle.

“Let’s go girl.” Appalla said to Callistar. “But instead of going through town, I think it would be safer to go through one of the forest trails.”

Yes ma’am. Callistar replied. Appalla had a wonderful feeling of excitement as they set out on the trail. No one had seen them and soon her troubles with princes would be over. But after an hour she began to get bored. The shadows looked the same and there was nothing interesting. Then they came upon a small stream with a clearing on the other side.

Shall we take a drink and gallop around the clearing? Callistar asked hopefully.

“Yes a drink and gallop would do us good.” Appalla said.

Ahem. I don’t think I would like to gallop though a drink would be nice. Silver said.

“Okay Silver, you can sit near the stream while Calli and I gallop.” The water in the stream was cool and refreshing. Appalla felt like she hadn’t drunk any water in years.

“That was good.” She said. She then got back on Callistar and began to trot in ever widening circles in the clearing. Then she began to canter and finally she galloped. Oh the thrill of the gallop. It was something you had to experience to understand the feel. She loved it. She watched the trees passing by when she saw someone walking towards her. She slowed Callistar from a canter to a trot and finally to a walk. Appalla’s eyes widened in surprise when she realized who the figure was.

Who is that person Appalla? Callistar asked, sensing her rider's surprise. Appalla replied to her mare with thought speak.

That’s Finn, the boy I was telling you about before I learned about Animal Voice.

Oh. Callistar said. Finn walked over to them.

“Sir, I saw you riding sir and you’re very good. Do you think you could teach me?” He asked. Appalla looked at him and began to blush.

“Oh…I don’t know. I don’t think I’m that good.” She said trying to make her voice sound manly.

“I think you’re very good. I can’t ride like that.” Appalla began to blush even more.

He’s complimenting me! I can’t believe it! Suddenly, a bird flew low over Appalla’s head knocking her hat off.

“Oh no!” She gasped. Then Finn recognized her.

“Hey you’re Princess Appalla. You’re parents are lookin’ for you. Why’re you out here anyway?” He asked. Appalla blushed even more. She took a breath and then began.

“It’s because…I wanted to run away.” Then she told Finn the whole story of her mother trying to make her meet princes, act ladylike and engaging her to Prince Castor. It was the most she had ever told anyone about how she hated her life as a princess.

“Wow, that’s too bad.” Finn said. “Do you think I could help you?” He asked. She looked at him. He had red hair and blue eyes with a few freckles on his nose. She couldn’t believe he wanted to help her when he could go help that stuck up girl, Alice, who lived in the village. She was much prettier than Appalla.

“What can you help me with?” Appalla asked.

“Well,” He said. “I am pretty good at hunting and fishing.”

“Well…” said Appalla.

Then Callistar interrupted. I don’t think we should bring him along, he’ll just slow us down. He probably doesn’t even know how to ride a horse! She said.

Oh, he won’t slow us down too bad. Appalla thought back.

But Appalla… Callistar began.

Oh he can’t be that bad, interrupted Silver. Besides if he can catch fish I’d prefer that over the bread and cheese that you brought. Appalla thought for a moment, and then answered Finn.

“I guess you could help me. Go get your fishing and hunting supplies and we can go. If you have a horse bring it along too and I’ll teach you to ride.”

“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute.” Finn said happily as he walked off into the forest toward the village. Once he was gone, Callistar spoke.

Why did you let him come with us? She questioned angrily. I don’t like him and you know how I am about people I don’t trust!

“Oh you’re just jealous that I like him.” Appalla said. “You’ll get used to him. And if he brings a horse, you’ll have someone else to talk to.” After a few more minutes, Finn returned.

“I’m ready to go.” He said. He was carrying a large sack and a fishing pole, a bow and some arrows in a quiver on his back. He was also leading a large sorrel stallion with a thick, flaxen mane and tail.

“What’s your horses’ name?” She asked curiously.

“Oh, he’s Red. We use him for farm work at home. Are you ready?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” Appalla said and she easily mounted up on Callistar and Silver settled in on the back of the saddle. “You do know how to get on, right?” She asked as Finn tried to climb up onto the stallion.

“Yeah,” he grunted. After a short struggle, they were ready to go.
Short update, once again. And sorry for the cliffhanger. But thanks again for all the nice comments :)

Meanwhile, back at the castle, things weren’t going very well at all. “It’s my entire fault! I shouldn’t have tried to force her!” The Queen managed through sobs. It had been about an hour since she found out that Appalla was missing and she was in panic. “What if she’s hurt? Oh why was I so forceful? Why?”

“Calm down dear,” said the King to his wife. “Appalla knows the forest better than almost anyone in town, she spends so much time there. Anyway, I’ve sent out search parties. They’ll find her very soon don’t worry.”

A few minutes into the ride, Silver perked up. I hear something. He thought to Appalla. It sounds like, like people running and calling. I can’t quite make out what it is though. Could you stop for a moment Appalla? He asked.

Okay, but only for a moment. Appalla thought back. “Finn, we need to stop for a minute, I think I hear something.” She called back to Finn who was behind her trying to control his herd-sour horse.

“Okay, I’ll see if I can stop Red for a minute.” No matter what Finn did though, his horse didn’t stop until it was standing right next to Callistar, their shoulders nearly touching.

Silver, can you hear it now? Appalla asked. She knew that eventually her parents would send out people to search for her but this was so soon that she didn’t know what to do if it was them. Silver sat still, listening very hard to the forest around him. Then he caught what they were saying.

Appalla! They’re yelling Appalla! They’re looking for us, we have to get out of here! He quickly thought to Appalla.

Oh no, we’ll never get out of here in time, the trail just goes straight! They’ll catch up in no time! Appalla thought to herself.

I think if we run off the trail here, they’ll lose our tracks! I know of an old deer trail just ahead. If we can get on that, they won’t be able to find us. Callistar thought spoke to Appalla. Appalla looked at Callistar’s ears that were turned back to listen to her master.

I guess we have no choice then. She thought. We’re going to try the deer path. She looked over at Finn who was sitting stiffly on his horse in a way that he thought would prevent it from moving. “Finn,” she said. “Your horse is herd-sour right? He doesn’t like to be separated from other horses?”

“Yeah, my dad says he’s really bad about that. He’d follow any other horse, even if it walked off a bridge.”

“Good,” Appalla said. “hold your reins shorter and grab some of your horse’s mane, we’re going to gallop.” At this Finn’s eyes widened.

“There is no way I’m going to gallop this horse. I can hardly control him now! How would I be able to control him at a gal-AHHHHH!” Appalla had urged Callistar into a gallop and Red followed.

“Just hold onto the mane and keep yourself low in the saddle!” Appalla yelled to him.

“I’m trying!” He yelled back. Appalla chanced looking back at Finn before getting on the deer path. He looked like he was hanging on for his life, but she knew that his horse would stop when Callistar did.


About a half an hour after Callistar and Appalla had started galloping, Finn was beginning to get the hang of it. “Hey,” he called to Appalla. “This isn’t too hard. I should’ve tried riding years ago!” Appalla smiled to herself.

Excuse me M’lady, but I’m getting a bit tired. Do you think we could stop for a while? Callistar asked through thought.

Of course we can. Appalla replied. Although she did love a good gallop, after awhile it got tiring for both the rider and the horse. “Finn, we’re going to stop up here!” Appalla called back to him.

“’Kay.” He replied. Appalla got off of Callistar and looked around. The part of the forest they were in was dark and the treetops were so thick with foliage that the sunlight could hardly reach through to the ground. Finn led his horse up to stand next to Appalla. “Well, now what?” He asked.

“Well, I guess I should decide where I’m running away to.” Said Appalla. “It won’t do any good if I don’t know where I’m going.” Suddenly, Appalla heard the leaves rustling near the edge of the clearing.