Waterhsip Down

Love it!

Yes, I love Watership Down! I probably re-read it every couple of years. I like it so much because it is full of compelling conflicts and true friendships, and it's all happening to little rabbits! What a cool concept, and the author handles it so well, you really care about the bunnies. Great book.
Oh I love Watership Down! The rabbits had such a wonderful little culture and religion - I always loved the passages about thier rabbit hero and his adventures.
I haven't read it in ages, but I recall I enjoyed it immensely. Still, I can't really remember, what is the moral of the book? does it condemn that kind of society?
I don't think there's a moral per se, certainly the benefits of friendship and reliability are trumpeted, as the little group of rabbit has to stand together and trust each other totally for survival.

In a way little Fiver is a skeptic of theold religion -- he believes there must be some "natural explanation" for the so-called messenger of Frith that saves Holly and his team from the Efrafa patrol ... but in fact, he is right: it was a train that ran the patrol down, but none of them have seen a train, so they think it was an angel. It's really very well done.
you know, i'm pretty sure that i've read this story. Not sure when it was, but it was a long time ago. Can't remember if i liked it or not though.

Loved Watership Down! There's also a smaller book called Tales of Watership Down (or perhaps it's "from"?) that came out more recently. I found their concept of cars and trains to be a fascinating parallel to the way humans perceive things they can't understand.
You'll love the name of my house then. Yes!!! thats right. I am in the elite group of people whos houses have a name AND a number. OOO Yeh!
No!! No it wouldn't! It would just ruin everything and probably be G rated.

I only saw a few episodes from the animated series and I personally didn't enjoy it.
Great news for all you Watership Down fans. The book will be coming out on Audio CD next month through Blackstone Audio. Now I will have the book, the DVD, and the audio CD. It will be great to listen to it at work on my mp3 player.:D




















I was extremely annoyed at two completely unnecessary revisions in the cartoon movie of Watership Down:

1) In the book, Blackavar was NOT killed, and in the movie he was.

2) In the book, it was El-a-Hrair-rah himself who came for Hazel's spirit at the end, but in the movie it was the Black Rabbit of Death.

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