Welcome (back) to the Dancing Lawn!


Meeting the World
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Royal Guard
We'd like to welcome you back to the Narnia forum!

edmund pevensie dance GIF
Yay! I thought this place had finally broken. Glad to see it's back! ☺️
It had, but not enough that we couldn't fix it. :) We just had to move to a modern software. The old forum software was over a decade old. This software is months old.
Aw, I just stopped by on a whim this morning and was so surprised! The site looks amazing and very nicely updated. TDL holds a special place in my heart and I'm glad it's still here.
Glad you stopped by. Spread the word! It's faster, easier to use, and better than it was before.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it! And all of the posts are visible, rather than just the last month or so.
Specter, I have a question. On the main forums page, when it shows the most recent discussion in each forum, clicking on the name of the thread takes you to that thread, but sometimes it takes you to the most recent post in the thread and sometimes to the top of the thread. Is this a bug, or is there a reason for the difference?

I have noticed that myself. I will have to see where I am clicking to see if there is a rhyme or reason for it. There might be a setting that I can switch to change that.
Glad to see you around! It's going to be awesome to see more members like you flooding back in once Netflix makes some moves. The forum is only going to keep improving.

Greetings Dancing Lawn! I thinks it's been over 9 months or so since I was last on . . . and I don't remember if I even posted then. So it may have been a year or more since you've heard from me. I've been having a good time going over my old posts/conversations that date back to the early 2000s! I hope to stay in touch. Hope all is well with everyone.
I was very active in ‘13 and before. I returned because oddly I dreamed of this site recently, and I encountered someone with Reepicheep username on another forum.
That's awesome! Just in time for (hopefully) Netflix to announce something.
Welcome back Sir Godfrey, Dernhelm, Captain Holly and Sforzando!!
I hope to be hearing more from you all, and from crjr as well!