What are the best moments in the film?


New member
Trying to work out what's been the most popular scene/moment in the film... could be anything - the one that moved you most, the one that you could most relate to - could be an interesting discussion topic :D

Mine's got to be the one where Aslan appears in the archway after rising from the dead - a truly amazing moment to beat them all
I loved Aslan's resurrection scene as well. Every time I read the book, or now watch the movie, that is the part I long to see. I also like the part where the girls ride on his back. I love to imagine how that must have felt!
I like the part where Tumnus is lulling Lucy to sleep, and just as she falls asleep it cuts to the fire, and the flames are in the shape of a bunch of fauns dancing, and then suddenly the fire turns into Aslan and it roars, and everything goes dark.

It shows just how powerful Aslan is, and its just so COOL!

The music was perfect in that scene. I honestly don't think it could have been any better.
Aslan standing face to face with Edmund on the rock terrace. Those of us who have been there know exactly what Aslan is saying to Edmund. Alas, we hang our heads as Edmund.
I could go on forever - the entire movie was so powerful! I agree with all the ones said so far for sure. I think that since I have so many, I'll just put the two that relate mostly to my favourite character (Edmund).
I think that when the White Witch tells Tumnus that Ed turned him in for 'sweeties' and the part where Edmund gives away information to try and save the fox, but the fox gets turned to stone anyway are both very powerful. I think this because in these two parts, Edmund is given a view of himself and how his decisions are effecting him, and those around him. They are key in his character development.
My favourite bit is when Lucy and Mr Tumnus first meet. She steps out from behing the lamppost and there's so on the front of her dress and there is just something so beautifully childlike and innocent in that image - I love it.
~Rogue~ said:
My favourite bit is when Lucy and Mr Tumnus first meet. She steps out from behing the lamppost and there's so on the front of her dress and there is just something so beautifully childlike and innocent in that image - I love it.

My Favorite Part is the battle Scene when Narnia and the white witch go to war!
Lol replying to my own thread... hmmmm... :rolleyes:

I've had another thought, may have said this already somewhere else, but another one of my fave moments is the one where Aslan roars and the White Witch just falls to her knees... it's a really powerful symbol of God's power over Satan, don't ya think? :p
Sezzie87 said:
Lol replying to my own thread... hmmmm... :rolleyes:

I've had another thought, may have said this already somewhere else, but another one of my fave moments is the one where Aslan roars and the White Witch just falls to her knees... it's a really powerful symbol of God's power over Satan, don't ya think? :p
Haleluya and AMEN!

It would be hard to say what would be my favorite scene because there are so many and the whole movie was done so artistically but I will refrain myself to three of my favorites.

#1 I absolutely loved the whole sequence at Mr. Tumnus' house. It was lovely and everything I had ever imagined. I have a very vivid imagination and this surpassed everything I had hoped for. Especially when Tumnus was crying on the stairs and tells Lucy what he is doing and then she says, "But I thought you were my friend?"

#2 The river sequence. I know that it was not in the book but I LOVED the way they did it. But my favorite parts from that sequence are when all you see is the river and then the handle of Peters sward comes out of the water and they are all holding on to it. Then my other fave from that sequence was when they think that they had lost Lucy and the terrified look that crosses Peters face and then the utter giddy relief when they realize she is fine.

#3 The battle sequence was fantastic but if I had to choose one scene from that whole thing it would probably be when they armies are charging for the first time and all you hear is the heart beat and then the two cheetahs collide and the real sound begins. I also really love the part when Aslan is talking to Peter and everything is sort of just misting by.

Ok I'll stop now.
Yeeeeah they're all great moments... I totally forgot about the whole heartbeat-battle-cheetah-silence thing... loved that bit too. Thought the river bit was good but maybe it would've been slightly more 'authentic' to stick to what was in the book...?

Or maybe CS Lewis wouldn't have minded.... je ne sais pas :)
Sezzie87 said:
Trying to work out what's been the most popular scene/moment in the film... could be anything - the one that moved you most, the one that you could most relate to - could be an interesting discussion topic :D

Mine's got to be the one where Aslan appears in the archway after rising from the dead - a truly amazing moment to beat them all

i agree :D

I like the part when Aslan turns Mr.Yumnus back to normal after he's been turnd to stone but that's only becaue my friend said something funny at that part of the movie....a nother faverite part is when Peter has his little epusode during the battle and again my friend said something about that too lol :p
I have SOOOO many favourite parts!!!! But I really like the whole Battle. the beginning, the middle, the end!!! I loved the whole movie!
I agree with all the other fave parts ppl have said in this thread. lol
The Whole Movie is Awesome!!!!!
hypernessoftheworld said:
I like the part when Aslan turns Mr.Yumnus back to normal after he's been turnd to stone but that's only becaue my friend said something funny at that part of the movie....a nother faverite part is when Peter has his little epusode during the battle and again my friend said something about that too lol :p

Well I think 'Mr Yumnus' is quite appropriate actually....' ;)