What Are You Listening To Or Watching Now??!!

watching right now a trailer about Born of Hope,a movie about Aragorn's parents.

release date of the movie is the first of december.

How to explain this?

Imagine if Elizabeth Bennet/Darcy, the heroine of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, were to leave her leading man to have an affair with Mr. Bingley, claiming that Bingley was now her great love that she couldn't live without. But after a few days with Bingley, she hopped over into Sense and Sensibility and began an affair with Colonel Brandon, saying that now HE was the man she couldn't live without. Then suppose she similarly worked her way through EVERY male character in all of Jane Austen's fiction who could by any stretch be considered a romantic interest for her. Suppose she didn't stop there, but also had affairs with all suitable men in the novels of Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, and various other great authors. And no matter how many men she moved on to, she called EACH one her supreme passion, her unique and only true love.

Wouldn't that START to get a bit old?

Now, change "her unique and only true love" into "the end of the world, or of all life, or of the entire universe." That's right, I'm talking about "DOCTOR WHO." Here at my parents' house, they get the BBC America channel, and I'm seeing "Doctor Who: the End of Time." Still ANOTHER time, everything everywhere is about to be destroyed....and I find I don't care anymore.

The Doctor has had one ultimate crisis too many.

It just got old for me.
SPOILERS!!!!! If you don't want to know about the new series that I think has only been shown on BBC1 so far, in England. Don't read from here!

Yeah so now you know that supposedly he got all of the Daleks well now some others have popped up and they've made some new Daleks which are now master Daleks and they look like Power Rangers! And then they threaten Earth and of course the Doctor goes back and he saves Earth but the PRD (Power Ranger Daleks) get away. Seriously there's a white one, blue, yellow, orange, red, I think that's all of them. And then a green one will pop up and they'll be complete. :rolleyes: