What Hurts The Most

Anna heard footsteps in front of her and she looked up, a girl about her age was walking in the opposite direction to wards her.

She looked at her now sure what to make of her.

She hadn't seen her around and though she looked kinda lost, she wasn't one to inter fear but it would be nice to get to know the new girl.

She continued to walk to wards her looking at her this time instead of her feet.
She girl was approaching. She felt like saying something, but what? So, she just kept walking, then subsequently tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and fell into a front yard.
When Celeste heard something ouside she opend the door and walked over to the girl lying on the floor. "Um. Are you ok?" She asked.
Destry really wished the girls would stop bothering. She stood up and brushed off some grass.
" I'm fine, really. Just clumsy, that's all." She smiled.
She laughed. "Thanks. It's nice too meet you Destry. I hope you like it here. I've been here all my life. Born in this house" Celeste waved her arm in the directsion of the house.
" Wow, home births aren't very common."
Suddenly Desty's phone went off. She answered it then smiled sadly at the both of them.
" Sorry, I got to go. We still have some unpacking to do."

ooc. Really, I do have to go. I'll be back on tomorrow. Talk to you later!
ooc: Night!

ic: "Ok. Have fun. Talk to you soon hopfully. Hay Anna. Oh I don't think I menchioned it before. I'm Celeste."
"Oh hi Celeste," said Anna giving a small smile.

Anna was like that, she hardly ever laughed and never cracked a real huge smile, they were always lettle and sad, kinda like her really, little and always sad.
Celeste could see that Alice would be a tough cookie to crack. She always tryed to make peopul laugh. She herself always has a smile on her face. No matter how small.
"I've never seen you around. Are you new? "