What inspires you to write?

I have days where I throw my hair into a bun and ABSOLUTLY need to write, **Today is a great example of this.** and then I have days were I can't.

What inspires me to write... Hard one. The Adventure's stories originated from dreams I had after a friend of mine died. Wierd I know, but I think it was my minds way of protecting myself. I still have dreams time to time that spark my need to write. Nightmares tend to set the effect off more realistically, and I write more often when I've had a series of hard or sleepless nights.
Other things that get me going are when I get upset: angered, or depressed, about something that is going on in the world.
You can ask Lady Callandra if you don't believe me. I get my nickers in a twist, or I start crying or get stressed, I right like my life depends on it, because in one way it does...

God is one of my main inspirations.
well sometimes i just get this feeling and a story just comes out. and sometimes ill be dreaming of my story im writting and the next part comes and i try to remember it. but when i write a song i either have to be really happy or really mad. before it used to be only when i was mad but recently ive been writting when im happy.

i think what inspires me is all of the storys i have read since my childhood. ever fantasy movie or book, even just watching really young children play. and my dreams , and feelings , or things that are happening to me or others.
What inspires me to write? A lot of things. I've always written much better than I've spoken verbally. As a kid I used to lose myself in fantasy stories like Narnia. I had many talents, among them music and art, but writing has always been my forte and my great love.

I use many things of inspiration, for example, in writing my fanfiction here BOUND BY DARKNESS: JADIS QUEEN OF CHARN. I always start out hesitantly because I am not even sure where the story will go. But I am inspired by villains...what makes them evil, what MADE them turn to evil, and what that long ( or short) course of their life was like. What influenced them and why?

Some of the stories I have written including this one here on the forum are inspired by other writers of fantasy and dark fiction such as horror...Clive Barker, Stephen King, and Robert McCammon are among them. I am inspired also by my own feelings and moods at the time...and I think some of you can see that in the story if you understand my personality. I'm very emotional. I want people to FEEL what the character is feeling in the story, whether it's sadness or joy or depression.

Sometimes inspirations don't come for a while...mostly, I write quickly, and the chapters take about forty five minutes to write if I'm feeling in the mood to write. Sometimes it takes a WEEK for me to get an idea or longer.
hmm.. it depends. if i am to write a story, i'll get ideas from shows, books, people, or whatever happend to me on that day. if i am to write a poem or a song (which i rarely do), i would get my ideas from the things i see and the happenings around me or how i feel. mind you, i have a very wild imagination. if i go to a website that has cute little villages in it (like one of my favorites. www.tamatown.com), i'll look for my sketch pad and draw a village of my own. i get inspiration from a lot of things.