what is the hardest level in narnia games ps2(LWW)?


i am always here
That one where the wolves are coming and the ogres at the same time...
You have to let the beaver dig through the wall but its too quick from one to the other to the other! :rolleyes:
I think 'Follow Aslan' and the 'White Witch' hehe the Ogre is pretty tough in the Beavers Dam too... but I can beat him on my own now... YAY!!
The hardest for me was killing the huge giants. I still havn't passed that level yet haha Like, I can kill the first one. But then when the 2 come and u have to kill both, I can only kill 1. I cannot get passed that level and it's making me sooo mad. I don't want to cheat though, I'm trying to get through the whole game without using cheats.
queen of the just! said:
what is the hardest level in narnia ps2? for me its the "through the tunnel"

Too bad for me!!I can't pass that level!
I'm stuck in the part of the level where you have to kill those "gollum things" that are into the trees and when you have the count-back of the ogre..