What is the last thing you've watched? II

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A German movie (we didn't understand most of what they were saying,as the Polish subtitles flicked on and off),called Krabat.
It's based on a best-selling book called The Satanic Mill,and let me tell you,this movie was unusual. But good. And scary,in a suggestive way.
My sister screamed when Tonda was killed.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10
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Movie: Knowing
Starring: Nicholas Cage
Rating: 8 out of 10
A suspenful thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat tell the very end. :)
Movie: Rear Window
Starring: Grace Kelly
Rating: 10 out of 10
One of Hitchcock's masterpieces. Rear Window is suspenful film that takes place in one room overlooking a circle of apartments. A murder takes place and our protagonist must solve it.. before he too becomes a victim!
Fun Fact:
The movie Disturbia starring Shia Labouf, is a modern remake of Rear Window.
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