Sir Godfrey
Pelegrin Crucis
Movie: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
Starring: Shia Labouf and Megan Fox
Rating: 6 out of 10
A special effects extravaganza that is sure to thrill upon first and even second viewing, however films like Transformers don't have much longevity. For in ten years the special effects will look amaturish and since the film relies heavily on CGI I fear it shall be but a forgotten stepping stone in science fiction history,
Starring: Shia Labouf and Megan Fox
Rating: 6 out of 10
A special effects extravaganza that is sure to thrill upon first and even second viewing, however films like Transformers don't have much longevity. For in ten years the special effects will look amaturish and since the film relies heavily on CGI I fear it shall be but a forgotten stepping stone in science fiction history,