What is the last thing you've watched? II

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The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on CBS, featuring 3 performances by Carrie Underwood..

And I don't mind saying that the commentators mentioned Narnia, AND Carrie performed her song for the movie. :D
Movie: Valentine's Day
Starring: Patrick Dempsey, Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Julie Roberts, Jessica Biel, Jamie Fox, Topher Grace and many other prestigious actors.
Rating: 8 out of 10
Death Note! It's like my life now. I might have started watching it 4 years after the show's over but it's still awesome. <3 Death Note is like my life right now...which is about to end soon. *sniffs* Only 17 more episodes left. Argh, and I heard that the last 17 episodes are awful compared to the first 25.
Back to the Future III :D

BAHAHAHA! The bullet proof vest! and the frisbee! and the different color train smoke! and the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang/Milleniam Falcon light up time-machine train!

"It runs off steam!" xD

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