What is the last thing you've watched? II

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I watched part of the first episode of Glee on hulu.com. Then my little brother came in to demand attention, and that was that :rolleyes:
"Toy Soldiers." Got a low rating on IMDb, but I thought it was pretty good.

What's your banner of???

Last movie I watched was an oldie: Send Me No Flowers (1964) starring Doris Day, Rock Hudson, and Tony Randall. I L-O-V-E Doris Day! My favorite actress. :)

^I tried to watch Count of Monte Cristo but it never appealed to me. I never watched much of it because I wasn't sure if my parents would want me to, lol. My sister likes it though...
James Michener's Texas (1994). I was hoping it'd be a great film, but it wasn't. Not only was there a lot of language, there was some nudity of bare-chested women (not comfortable when watching with your dad, let me assure you!); not to mention, it was boring. Yeah, it had some good moments, but it really wasn't worth my 3 hrs.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Rating: 9/10
Transformers ROTF is fantastic! Better than the first and by far more intense. Since It only came out a couple of days ago I will withhold my extensive review. :)


Transformers Revenge of The Fallen is pretty mature regarding humor (minaly sexual) and there are some really intense scenes I would not recommend younge children watch.
'Year One'.
I probably wouldn't recommend it. There was an occasional funny part, but a lot of it was stupid and innapropriate. They meet up with Cain from the Bible and go to the city Sodom, so I'm assuming you can figure out how innapropriate it is from that.
'Year One'.
I probably wouldn't recommend it. There was an occasional funny part, but a lot of it was stupid and innapropriate. They meet up with Cain from the Bible and go to the city Sodom, so I'm assuming you can figure out how innapropriate it is from that.

I was afraid it would be vulgar and offensive. It seems I was correct.
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