What is the last thing you've watched? II

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Wasn't that a great movie?? I'm so excited they're coming out with a sequel in 2011. :D

There's going to be a sequel? I didn't know that! :eek:

W00T!!! Hairspray is on!!!!! I love this movie!!!!:D:D It's much better than the musical. (Seriously, the musical sucked. I saw it when it came to my town, and didn't like it at all.)
King Arthur. <3

I got my best friend obsessed with it, too. Only thing we've been talking about for like a week straight now. =P Literally.
A Seventies kung-fu movie featuring one of my favorite (though obscure) Chinese actors, Chi Kuan-Chun. He always played good guys with a responsible, sober attitude.
The last movie I watched all the way through was My Girl. (♥) The last TV show I watched was an old episode of 24... (I'm trying to get through some of the old seasons before the eighth one premiers next year).
Genesis of the Daleks I believe was the title of the Doctor Who episode... ;)

Good one - we just watched "Talons of Weng-Chiang" again, heh. :D

Last night it was old episodes of "All Creatures Great and Small" we checked out from the library because they had Peter Davison in them and we always liked the books. They're a lot of fun!
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