Lucy the Marshwiggle New member Jul 27, 2008 #1,825 QA48 said: 12:18 am East Coast, US of A. Click to expand... I think Tiff should get to bed! It's 9:35 PM here in California.
QA48 said: 12:18 am East Coast, US of A. Click to expand... I think Tiff should get to bed! It's 9:35 PM here in California.
QA48 New member Jul 27, 2008 #1,828 Lucy the Marshwiggle said: I think Tiff should get to bed! It's 9:35 PM here in California. Click to expand... Shhh!!! 1:55 am
Lucy the Marshwiggle said: I think Tiff should get to bed! It's 9:35 PM here in California. Click to expand... Shhh!!! 1:55 am
Copperfox Well-known member Jul 28, 2008 #1,835 It's Howdy DOOOOOOO-dy time! No, wait, that was fifty years ago.
bruiser New member Jul 28, 2008 #1,836 haha. That reminds me of that older tv show.... Dang. I forgot what it was called. I think that it was YeeHaw. Or something like that. My dad liked watching it while it was on, it just doesn't come on much more. 1:12am
haha. That reminds me of that older tv show.... Dang. I forgot what it was called. I think that it was YeeHaw. Or something like that. My dad liked watching it while it was on, it just doesn't come on much more. 1:12am
Son of Adam Pastor of Narnia Knight of the Noble Order Emeritus Jul 28, 2008 #1,838 The time here in smokey, hot, dry, and fiery central California is 12:24PM
L lieke New member Jul 28, 2008 #1,839 Time here is 21:29 pm, after a hard day of work in a shop while it was soo hot and the air was humid (i believe you call it), i´m quite tired.
Time here is 21:29 pm, after a hard day of work in a shop while it was soo hot and the air was humid (i believe you call it), i´m quite tired.