What type of CON books do you have?

Hey Cassie. I might have the same as you. Does the border have lots of symbols/pictures representing things in the story?
I already have the CoN books in dutch but when I went home after my trip to California I got a gift from BK (thanks again for this wonderful gift Mike) The big CoN book with all books in one. I immidiatly started to read when I got into the plane. And somehow the books are more fascinating in english than in dutch even though the translation is the same ;)
I have two versions. One is an early American edition of all seven ( complete with Maugrim being refered to as Fenris Ulf, and a different ending to the Dark Island sequence in VODT). Those are in the original publication order.

The second edition is a more recent 50th anniversery of LWW editions, in chronological order, British versions.

Don't ask me why there are differences between the early American editions and the British versions. It's kind of like how the first Harry Potter book is called "Philosophers STone" in the UK, and "Sorcerers Stone" in the US. Persumably, the editors feel American audiences won't understand them. Proabably true considering how many American's ask who Bacchus is in Prince Caspian, the point or the ROmp, find Puddleglum depressing in Silver Chair, and wonder why Santa Claus is called Father Christmas in LWW.
Don't ask me why there are differences between the early American editions and the British versions. It's kind of like how the first Harry Potter book is called "Philosophers STone" in the UK, and "Sorcerers Stone" in the US. Persumably, the editors feel American audiences won't understand them. Proabably true considering how many American's ask who Bacchus is in Prince Caspian, the point or the ROmp, find Puddleglum depressing in Silver Chair, and wonder why Santa Claus is called Father Christmas in LWW.

I believe Lewis edited the books prior to publication in America. I think he was worried about the ending of the Nightmare Island sequence; possibly he had other things he wanted to change too.

ETA: Wikipedia has more! LWW, VDT. It seems like he wanted to change things, although probably not because he was worried about Americans' ability to understand things. :p I've no idea why HarperCollins used the original versions (with the island being destroyed and Feris Ulf) instead of the edits but decided to go with the chronological order instead of publication (or no order at all).
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"Don't ask me why there are differences between the early American editions and the British versions."

Sven, sometimes, there are slight changes due to slightly different terms or how audiences reacting differently to something based on culture.

The former is important as some terms may seem nonsensical if left in. The latter not so much, but if the author decides to make the changes, that is his business.
