What was the last thing you watched?

"Love Takes Wing" :) Very extremely good movie. I just wish that hadn't switched actresses though... it always bothers me when they do that :P
Film: Peter and Paul
Starring: Anthony Hopkins
Rating: 10 out 10
One of Hopkin's best preformances, the story covers the ministry of Peter and Paul (Hopkins) and their many tribulations.
Two Brothers

You know its interesting how many How to Train your Dragon quotes can fit into other movies. I was thinking of one while watching Two Brothers:

"They've killed hundreds of us!"
"And we've killed thousands of them! They defend themselves, thats all!"

*headdesk* though Two Brothers does show how stupid people can be at times.:rolleyes:

Oh and my mom at the end when Kuman goes up to the guy and nuzzles him for the candy and the guy shows him he doesn't have any- the way Kuman sat up and the look he gave the guy gave this impression:
Mom: "He did a Toothless!" xD :p