Here are some lines that are funny yet so really sensible..
Jadis The White Witch: I can make anything you like.
Edmund Pevensie: Can you make me taller?
Jadis The White Witch: You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitor? You are giving me your life and saving no one. So much for love. Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased, but tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever! In that knowledge, despair... and die!
[about to charge into battle]
Peter Pevensie: For Narnia and for Aslan!
Aslan: If the Witch knew the true meaning of sacrifice, she might have interpreted the deep magic differently. That when a willing victim who has committed no treachery, is killed in a traitor's stead, the stone table will crack, and even death itself would turn backwards.
Aslan: [almost in a roar] Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written.
Peter Pevensie: [to Edmund after hitting him with the cricket ball] Wake up, Dolly Daydream!
Peter Pevensie: When are you gonna learn to grow up?
Edmund Pevensie: Shut up! You think you're dad, but you're NOT! ... *WOAH! hahahaha

[the witch has discovered Edmund has been rescued by Aslan's forces, and Ginarrbrik tied to the tree in Edmund's place]
Ginarrbrik: You're not going to kill me?
Jadis The White Witch: Not yet....
Mr. Tumnus, the Faun: And what about you? You must be some kind of beardless dwarf?
Lucy Pevensie: I'm not a dwarf! I'm a girl. And actually, I'm tallest in my class.
Mr. Tumnus, the Faun: You mean to say that you're a daughter of Eve?
Lucy Pevensie: [confused] Well, my mum's name is Helen...
Mr. Tumnus, the Faun: Y-Yes, but, you are in fact... human? .... *This scene and line is quite funny to me...
Lucy Pevensie: I wouldn't lie about this!
Edmund Pevensie: Well, I believe you.
Lucy Pevensie: You do?
Edmund Pevensie: Yeah, of course. Didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard? ... *ED is so much mean here...Grrr hahaha
[Mrs. Beaver is packing food before they flee from the wolves]
Peter Pevensie: What's she doing?
Mrs. Beaver: Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey, and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry.
Mr. Beaver: I'm cranky now! ... *How dare you are packing when your enemies are at your doorstep?...
Peter Pevensie: Maybe we could call to the police.
Susan Pevensie: [waving Maugrim's parchment] These ARE the police! ... * Maybe Susan needs to re-asses herself or was it Pete?

Susan Pevensie: [about Lucy] She thinks she's found a magical land... In the upstairs wardrobe.
Professor Kirke: [eyes widening, he rushes to the children] What did you say?
Peter Pevensie: Um, the wardrobe. Upstairs. Lucy thinks she's found a forest inside.
Susan Pevensie: She won't stop going on about it.
Professor Kirke: What was it like?
Susan Pevensie: Like talking to a lunatic.
Professor Kirke: No, no, no. Not her, the forest!
Susan Pevensie: [stares] You're not saying you believe her?
Professor Kirke: You don't?
Susan Pevensie: But, of course not. I mean, logically it's impossible.
Professor Kirke: What do they teach in schools these days? .... * Hahaha hoorah for Professor..
Lucy Pevensie: It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!
Edmund Pevensie: Shut up! He's coming!
Peter Pevensie: You know, I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game.
Lucy Pevensie: Weren't you wondering where I was?
Edmund Pevensie: That's the point. That was why he was seeking you!
Susan Pevensie: Does this mean I win?
Peter Pevensie: I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore..... * No actually she has found a place and all you do is like One at a time Lu..
I guess these completes my list and I got this from

I so love LWW's lines and scenes!