Lucy but Taller
New member
Ok,what is your favorite doctor who episode? I'm bored,so don't ask why.
I voted for Genesis of the Daleks, since the question says "favorite" and not "favorites". But I like all of the episodes on the list, and also others like The Deadly Assassin and Remembrance of the Daleks.
I know you didn't ask about the new series, but my favorites there are The Runaway Bride and Turn Left/The Stolen Earth/The Journey’s End. Yes, I'm a Donna Noble fan.
I voted for Weng Chiang, because that story gave us a good look at the relationship between the Doctor and Leela--possibly the MOST oddly-matched man-woman pair you ever saw in which the woman was madly in love with the man, as Leela obviously was with the Doctor.
I never noticed that!At least she put some clothes on in that episode.