What's your favorite Doctor Who episode?

What is your favorite Doctor Who episode? (old series only)

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What a bunch of dopiness.The doctor got along just fine in the old days when the companions were like CHILDREN,not girlfriends.

Now with Donna,that was just harsh.I can't believe they did that. T.T
ahahahha, honestly, I think they're making the Doctor come off as if he's in an age crisis. xD I mean, look at them all. Dr. 5 was like a mid-life crisis, and now he's going against his proper age. LOL
What a bunch of dopiness.The doctor got along just fine in the old days when the companions were like CHILDREN,not girlfriends.

Now with Donna,that was just harsh.I can't believe they did that. T.T

I'm not saying I think that, I liked it when #5 had like a whole bunch of bratty kids ;) (Nyssa was the good child :D)

ahahahha, honestly, I think they're making the Doctor come off as if he's in an age crisis. xD I mean, look at them all. Dr. 5 was like a mid-life crisis, and now he's going against his proper age. LOL

I'd say Six was more of a midlife crisis, at least as far as clothes went... ;)
It took me a while to finally catch up to where he was writing, but it's all so much fun :D
I love the Ten Doctors! It's a marvelous romp, though you do need to set aside some serious time to play catchup if you're just going into it. It's even more lovely for anyone who's familiar with the earlier Doctors, great fun.