Where The Wild Things Are (film and book)

I just saw the film, and I love it.
Before I went I re-read the book to my little sister Maeve, and she loves it now, too, and we saw it together with my boyfriend, and it was fantastic.

It's only just come out today so probably not a lot of people have seen it, but are you planning on it? And isn't the book amazing?
I always thought the book was kind of...unique, to say the least. I never really understood the whole 'wild things'---they looked like monsters to me when I was young. Not to say anything against those who like it, but I almost started laughing out loud the first time I saw it in a preview.:p I guess it's trying more to appeal to little kids, but I don't quite understand what little kid would like to hug a huge horned monster....Maybe I just need to see it to think it's not so corny.
No, you'd have to see it to understand, but it's not just for kids. It's like Up - little kids will enjoy it (Maeve is eight), but a lot of the psychological stuff that goes on in the heads of Max and the Wild Things are really, really deep stuff that older kids/adults get.

It's just an amazing film.
I've been a fan of WTWTA since i was a wee tot. [hehehe]
I, unfortunately, was too broke to see it yesterday, but hopefully I can see it sometime this week :)

I seriously love this story, and Max Records does a fantastic job playing max [that is, from what I've seen based on theatrical trailors...]
I want to see it. I've never read the book unfortunately, but the movie looks really good. And isn't it amazing that this is Max Record's first role?
I want to see it. I've never read the book unfortunately, but the movie looks really good. And isn't it amazing that this is Max Record's first role?

Read that book. Buy and keep it forever and read it to your children, and have your children read it to their children and your...so on and so forth.
Just saw it!!!

"Don't go, I'll eat you up I love you so." I waited through the entire film just for that line, and as God as my witness, it was worth it. Where the wild things are is a brilliant film. ^_^

Ahhh I love it. Love it love it love it

And I too agree, Max Records would recieve and oscar hands down for this.
I've loved that book forever, too. I am glad to hear everyone is liking the movie! Plugged i Move Review said it wasn't family-friendly for kids under 10? So I was a little concerned. But I definitely want to see it.
Just saw it!!!

"Don't go, I'll eat you up I love you so." I waited through the entire film just for that line, and as God as my witness, it was worth it. Where the wild things are is a brilliant film. ^_^

Ahhh I love it. Love it love it love it

And I too agree, Max Records would recieve and oscar hands down for this.

Hahahahahahahha, nice. : P
My favourite, too.
Second is, "Woman, feed me!"
That just made me laugh so hard.
That was Hilarious. I was peeing I was laughing so hard [not really]
I just really like how they brought back the "I'll eat you up" line from the beginning and turned it from being a nasty insult to being a sentence of affection.
After we saw it, my boyfriend and I were trying to figure out how each of the Wild Things relate to the people in Max's life. We thought KW represented either his sister (and Bob and Terri her friends) or his mother, and we thought Carol might be his father.

What do you all think?
I can see that...
Yeah, KW definitly represents his sister, she's all standoffish at first, but then eventually warms up to him. Like all sisters are at times... :)
I can't WAIT to see this movie. I taught for the Institute of Reading Development over the summer and I read this book with my younger students, so I got to rediscover it as an adult WITH kids. We had our own "wild rumpus" and made masks and everything, so it was a lot of fun. I'm happy to hear that most people seem to really like it!
So after I posted last, someone I knew went and saw it, and told me it was definitely not for little kids. She said the themes were rather dark; the main kid addresses fear, anger, etc. :( Why is this such an entertaining movie then? It sounds rather sad to me...and kind of strange. It's like the director decided to put fuzzy costumes on adult emotions and send them prancing through a mystical land.
"Entertaining" doesn't always mean funny (but there are some pretty funny moments in the film). It is an engaging film, and even if it is sad, it's still entertaining if you enjoy it.

Also, the Jim Henson company (Jim Henson created the Muppets) did the costumes for the Wild Things. I thought it was a brilliant idea, because, for all the awesome realism of CGI, it looked much, much more real and it makes you feel like they actually are Wild Things, as opposed to a boy talking to a tennis ball on a stick that later becomes a Wild Thing on a computer.

But, yeah, that's basically what Jonze did. In an amazing, amazing way.