Which Book?


New member
I would like to know what book you started reading first. I started with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I would also like to know why you started reading the series. :D
I read LWW first and then bought the whole series recently after seeing the LWW film.
my first introduction to Narnia was the LWW film then after seeing the movie got me completely engrossed with Narnia. then I baught the series and started with magician's nephew and I'm on TVOTDT now ^___^
*~Aslansfriend~* said:
my first introduction to Narnia was the LWW film then after seeing the movie got me completely engrossed with Narnia. then I baught the series and started with magician's nephew and I'm on TVOTDT now ^___^
I have read all the Narnia books :D
narnia+north said:
I would like to know what book you started reading first. I started with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I would also like to know why you started reading the series. :D

A long time ago as a kid I read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe first. But most recently when I saw the movie and then purchased all the books, I read the Magician's Nephew first. I read them when I was younger because a cousin gave me the set of CS Lewis books along with the Hobbit and the Trilogy :). Many years later the movies to the subsequent Narnia and the trilogy came out and I got hooked again and started reading!!!!!
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Because of my kids

Summary: I started with LWW of course :)

I had heard of the Chronicles for years, but did not pay a lot of attention to them until we introduced the series to my children, first via the BBC series, then the books themselves. In fact, my son learned to read using MJ as his primer. He couldn't stand the reading program he was in at the time because it was so boring. The Chronicles fixed that problem!

I can't count the times I have read each book in the last 7 years. For some reason, when I pick up a Chronicle, I think, I wonder if this time I'll tire of it. Nope. not a chance.

I started with LWW, because, as an aspiring purist, I really feel that the books should be read in the order that they were published. If not, you miss out on so much. Lewis experts out there say that he published them in the order he did for a reason. Read them out of order and you may miss the built in "bonus" Lewis had in mind.

For instance, movie goers I know who knew nothing about the books, would ask me "what's up with the lamp post?" I could see in them the attraction to a mystery and the adventure of discovering Narnia for themselves. So my reply was: you will have to read the "pre-quel" and find out. BUT not before you read the books in between LWW and MJ first.
I started reading The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I think I started it because I'd been listeing to the audio tape for donkeys years and then I watched the BBC versions when I was about 5 and loved them I think shortly after I watched them I started on the books. I forget which age but I must have been pretty young.

I feel like I've been into Narnia since I could walk :D tee hee. :confused: hmm I may have done actually that would scarey. :D
i first read the horse and his boy cause i had bought it without knowing it was a narnia book!! i saw the movie in theaters, read the horse and his boy, and saw the other books too!! then i borrowed the seiries from a rfriend!!!
I read The magicians nephew first. Read through the lion the witch and the wardrobe, and then saw the movie (thought it would be best that way). I am currently on the beginning of Prince Caspian
i started with MN. i have completely read the series and am reading LOTR now. i started reading Narnia because my brother told me about the movie so i wanted to read the books before the movie came out but i didn't i only read MN and LWW but i finished all of the books by Jan. :) i started 3 or 4 weeks before the movie came out and finished the 2nd week of Jan.
I had heard the story line of the lion the witch and the wardrobe when I was a child, but I never read it. Through second hand accounts it sounded interesting. I was into the neverending story hard, so that was right up my alley. Narnia came out and I wanted to see it out of curiosity. and bam was sucked in. So my family and I went to costco and bught the series for the house Library. I bought a separate one from walmart that had all the stories compiled in it. From then on it was love.