Which brother would you choose?

hannah (cool 1) said:
its not real you dip shit its a fictional story!!!

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I have to honestly say I would choose Edmund if I had to pick someone to identify with. I'm an only child, but I always sympathized with my friends' brothers and or sisters who got picked on by their older siblings, or were just left out somehow. While I didn't condone what Edmund did in the story, I also understand exactly why he did it. ( the whole betrayal thing). Peter was brave and resilient but he just seemed too good to be true, almost like, out of reach you know?
I always wanted an older brother to look up to and I think Peter would be a great older brother. He is just so protective of his family and is always looking after them. I think i would feel very safe with peter.
Peter of course! I would love to have an older brother, one that is protective and nice (well, most of the time) rather than a younger one like Edmund who is just plain annoying. I already have a younger brother--and he's enough like Edmund for me!

And yes, of course, William Moseley is hotter than Edmund. Not that it would matter if he was my brother because that would just be gross, lol.

I wish I had an older brother.... if I ever have kids, I hope I have a boy first and then a girl because I really like the relationship that forms from that. My oldest friends are a brother and sister, and Brandon is older by 2 1/2 years, and even though he jokes around with her and can get on her nerves, he is also very protective and watches out for her.

Definitely Peter... who would want a trouble-making brother with an attitude problem...
I don't know who I'd pick because Skandar seems really cool, I mean, he likes making jokes and he can be really funny! (Narnia BLoopers) He's also the same age as me so that has to count for somethin. But, Will seems like he would be more practical as a brother. He'd like, protect you, and he'd be nice and wouldn't give you such a hard time. Well, thats what I think anyway. But, I don't know, if I could, I'd pick both. But, I'd have to pick Will cause he'd be a cool older brother.
I think we're choosing between Peter and Edmund, not Will and Skandar. But I'd choose Will anyday if I had to pick from the latter two :p

WillI want an older brother and Skander is older than me (I think)now I would want a brother like 6 or 7 years older than me not like 2 or 3 that would suck how old are skander and will