Which Character (Casting) Do You Most Anticipate?


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Prince Caspian was a major character, especially because he features so predominately in the The Voyage of the Dawn Treador, so a lot of us waited for the news of who was cast in this role with great anticipation.

Now what role do you most look forward to seeing filled? What character is most important to you or are you most particular about (the right person being cast)? For me, it's probably Shasta. The Horse and His Boy is my favorite book and I like Shasta's character-he is innocent, loyal, and sincere.
I'd have to say Puddleglum since he is by far one of the funniest characters in the last half of the Chronicles because of his absolute dreariness. He's also an eventual hero.
I'd have to say the big three in TSC. Eustace as he is the next major unfilled role and comes in during the book before TSC. I am also looking forward to how well they get the chemistry between Eustace and Jill. And Puddleglum rounds out that trio.

Frodosgurl, the question was about what role that doesn't have an actor attached to it are you most anticipating. Lucy's role has been filled by Georgie.

Reepicheep. To my knowledge, they haven't found a guy to play the voice, and I am biting my nails over the waiting. He is my favorite animal character, hands down.

Eustace. Another interesting character, and one of my favorites.

Puddleglum!! I've said this somewhere else, but that's a role for a legendary actor. With his dry humour and "cheerful pessimism" it's a role any great actor would by willing to play. Like Ben Kingsley....eh, maybe not. An unknown would be better....but what do you think? I've seen him in Twelfth Night, and as I picture him as Puddleglum, saying his lines in that glum, odd way, I think it might work.
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Most definitely and absolutely the one and only Jill Pole. :D
I <3 Jill Pole!
And Puddleglum is a close second.
um....well...ISN'T IT OBVIOUS!? EUSTACE OF COURSE! and I want to see who'll be Ramandu's daughter, she's my favorite she-character... Yeah I don't really care who they chose, but for Eustace, he better be awesome, and what I hope for..:eek: hehe
I'm curious to see who will be the voices of Bree and Hwin, and who'll play Aravis and Shasta (Cor)....since HHB is my fav. book at the moment, the casting in that is obviously most important to me. :D oh yeah, and as others have said, to see how Puddleglum will look is something I'm looking forward to.
I'm glad to hear that a black man is to portray Glenstorm: a smooth and painless way of giving persons of color a place at the Narnian table. Since both horses and humans come in many colors, why should it not be so for Centaurs?

Looking ahead to "The Magician's Nephew": if it would be filmed soon enough, I would mega-love to see them cast Mel Gibson as Frank the Cabbie-King, with his casting being kept a secret as long as possible. But since Mel will be too old by the time they get to TMN, maybe Ewan McGregor could play Frank.
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