Which Character (Casting) Do You Most Anticipate?

Ewan as King Frank??? :confused: now that I have to laugh at...no offense of course but frankly *no pun intended* I just CAN'T see him in a Narnia film WHATSOEVER in ANY role.
when I think of Aravis, I think someone who has the acting of maybe Carrie Fisher. I mean seriously, who else could've pulled Princess Leia off so well? Her acting was really great; especially in those scenes with Harrison Ford; you just get the sense that she was really annoyed with him, lol. I think of Aravis as being like Leia a little; really stubborn, hot-tempered but quick to do the right thing and stand up for what she believes.
I can't wait for the Magician's Nephew. I wonder if they will cast someone else as Jadis. Since in TMN she was young and beautiful and by the time LWW comes she's already in her last days. So it'll be interesting if they'd cast someone other than Tilda.
Tilda again?

Yes, because Tilda had to be in her 50's when TLTWATW came out. If TMN comes out (we can reasonable guesstimate) about 2013, she'll be 60. Too old to play the part :eek:, I think, even with makeup. We'll see.
Yes, because Tilda had to be in her 50's when TLTWATW came out. If TMN comes out (we can reasonable guesstimate) about 2013, she'll be 60. Too old to play the part :eek:, I think, even with makeup. We'll see.
I think she will be able to do the part. I mean, if they are gonna use her in PC (when the witch never actually appered in the book) then they should use her in MN too. I really like Tilda and I really hope they can use her.

I am really looking forward to the casting for the Queen of Underland, Puddleglum, Eustace, and Jill.