Which Is Your LEAST Favourite Of The Books?

Which is your least favourite of the Chronicles of Narnia?

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I honestly don't dislike ANY of the books. I just voted so that my second favorite book (Horse and his Boy) wouldn't have that dreadfully huge percentage on it! The only reason I voted for Voyage was because I remember that after reading it I felt really depressed, because two more Pevensies were banned from Narnia, and Caspian didn't get to see the end of the world, and Reepicheep (arguably the most loved character in the whole series) dissapeared. But I still liked it.
I picked Prince Caspian just because it's a little slower than some of the other books, but it was a really tough decision for me.
Augh! you've got me pulling my hair out here trying to decide which book i like least! Every one that I think of, I think, "Well this part of it wasn't so great..." but then I think, "But this part was awesome!" Sorry, I just can't do it...
i picked the horse and his boy because well... that one just isn't as interesting to me as the others. Not quite the same ya know. I suppose Lewis was trying to give people a taste of the other part of this world that we dont know so much about(Archenland, Calormen[yeah i spelled it wrong]... etc). Probably thought he'd be a nice twist to write a story about that. But I dont know, it just wasn't the same... didn't appeal much to me :unsure:
It's not my least favourite any longer ( I don't think I have one now) but for a long time The Last Battle was the one. I would read all the others repeatedly except that one. I read it quite young and I guess just didn't want to deal with it - I was raised atheist and it made me uncomfortable. However, my thoughts, feelings and beliefs have developed and grown as I have become independent and I can read it happily with hope and happiness now.
o my goodness people.how could you not like h.a.h.b. it gives soo much history!!!.i voted for the last battle because it was deoppresing.i cried my eyes out soooo much :( .i wish i would of picked prince caspian.i fell asleep in it
I would probably have to say TLB, but I would definately NEVER say HAHB!!! :mellow: I love that one ... culture is my favourite thing to read about - espescially if it's one that doesn't really exsist. :rolleyes:
Yep, HAHB rocks, and I think I'd have to say that PC dragged on a bit.
I mean, it had a good plot and good characters, but there were times of
not much happening in the book. :unsure: Just a bit boring, that's all. ;)
Yeah, sometimes I feel like that too. Maybe it's because I always thought Caspian was a kind of boring character in the first place. Don't get me wrong - I love Caspian just like I love all of Lewis's other characters - but he's very predictable and obidient and almost a little flat.
i don't see how anyone could pick PC as their least favorite. What about that great battle against Miraz? And the appearance of Aslan to Lucy alone? simply cool!!!! B)
You're right... it is cool. I just haven't read it in a while, that's probably my problem :lol:
And by the way, welcome. Mind if I call you DOE? :lol:
(Just kidding. If you have a prefered abbreviation for your name, please let me know. I just like making things shorter...)
I was gonna put down SC, but that was only because when I was little I got scared by the underground kingdom. But now I realize how much fun Puddleglum is, so I'm not gonna vote.