Which Is Your LEAST Favourite Of The Books?

Which is your least favourite of the Chronicles of Narnia?

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Least favoruite

ITs hard for me to pick there is somthign I like in each one I guess the magicens nephew or The Last battle

The last battle cause it was the last one and i found out susans fate and the magicians nephew is just slow and takes awahild for the story to start
LB rox!! 'tis not boring!!

awww...Horse and his boy is losing.....:( That is a great story. I voted for the Silver Chair
Wow I havn't been on this site for a while, any way, my least favorite is prolly The Silver Chair, but now that I've re-read it again I have a new perspective on it. The first time I read it I couldn't read very well, witch can kind of kill a book if you know where I'm coming from.
Wow! A surprising number of people hate the Horse and his boy! I love that book. It's different from the rest, and it has a good message. It also gives you a taste of what living as a Narnian would be like, and what the rest of the world is like.

I don't like The Last Battle because it's kind of depressing and sad. It ends happy I guess, but getting there is torture.
Twilightdryadhobbit said:
Wow! A surprising number of people hate the Horse and his boy! I love that book. It's different from the rest, and it has a good message. It also gives you a taste of what living as a Narnian would be like, and what the rest of the world is like.

I don't like The Last Battle because it's kind of depressing and sad. It ends happy I guess, but getting there is torture.

I agree with you! HHB is awesome!
Twilightdryadhobbit said:
Wow! A surprising number of people hate the Horse and his boy! I love that book. It's different from the rest, and it has a good message. It also gives you a taste of what living as a Narnian would be like, and what the rest of the world is like.

I don't like The Last Battle because it's kind of depressing and sad. It ends happy I guess, but getting there is torture.
"hating" is not the good word. I chose HHB because it's my least favorite, not because i hate it. I still like it, and as you said: it has a good message in it definately. But i think some people just find it too different from the rest of the series (at least, that is why it is my least fave)

And LB is my fave :rolleyes:
aww..LB has 11 votes...:( Last Battle is great, and very interesting. And Im not shocked to see that LWW has only 1 vote :rolleyes:
I can definitely say that I love all the books. I am very surprised about the HHB being the least favorite. it is one of my favorites, and my little sister's favorite. I chose SC because it always grated on my nerves about the Emerald Witch nearly enchanting them all, Thank goodness Puddleglum saved the day. and I strongly disliked the children's chosing of the comforts of Harfang over the signs, they nearly bought it for that stupidity. However, Silver Chair's ending would definitely be my favorite part of the series. Think about it Aslan cared so much about us that he sent a person from his Narnia to set a school in our world straight.