which wardrobe did you use to find us?[Merged]

holyboy666 said:
But I was 10 when I went on the ride (6 years ago. Oh, those were good times...) and had nooooooo idea what was going on :D
LOL! I think the Great Movie Ride is a bore -- the one I'm thinking of is some kind of "Backlot Tour through Catastrophe Canyon" or something...
Hm.... I don't really remember...:D though I most likely found this site through google. I'm always googling stuff... :D
I was there Gandalf, I was there 10000 years ago, when the strength of man failed...

And yeah Paul told me he had this really cool new site just about to start, do i want to be in it, so i thought, sure why not.
I knew about the site, then paul IMed me and said he had this embarrassing picture of me at the Christmas Party two years ago, and if I didn't join...

no, not really, but he did IM me asking me to check it out, and then I joined.
Green Knight said:
Blame holyboy666 for my joining this fourm. He posted a link over on AH.COM, and I followed it here.

Yay! Good job. I'm glad one of my links worked! :D
tgraveline said:
hey all, was wondering how some of you found this place. I know i found it cause i was here from the beginning, but some of you have found us and i was wondering what venues you used and whats your story and all.


I've been on here for several months now, but I haven't seen this thread. So, I'll post now.
So one morning I was on my way to work and I had my christian music radio station playing. The DJ's were talking about upcoming movies. One mentioned that LWW was being made into a new movie but wouldn't be out until December. The Chronicles are my FAVORITE books so when I heard that my mouth just dropped open. It killed me having to wait until I went on lunch break to get online to see what I could find. I don't remember what search engine brought me here, but I do know that I just did a search for Narnia and found it! And I am SOOO glad that I did! :D
;) 我是用google找的啊 一大堆 乱点一气 呵呵
I‘m from China. (small world....)now it's afternoon.supper time comes....
and I love this story.
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Awesome stuff! Glad to have you here. I really hope you enjoy it and bless us with your presence more often chnops.

I don't know how I got here, I can't remember actually. I just opened a door and found myself here, sir.
Welcome, Chnops and E-M-S! I hope you will have time to visit all the Threads and give us your insight.
Thought i might just bring this thread back up since we have so many new people. So let us know bitte schon.

hmmm, ive been here for wait, uhm, thats 9 more days to go before one month!,
i found this site, because i was searching for good LOTR quotes, and i found one of your forums, the dancing lawn, chronicles of narnia, talking about LOTR, both are my faves,
i enjoyed reading it, and i post in it, after that here I am, an active member, everyday online! hehehehe:D I didnt even notice, i was a senior member. i dont eve know how i became 1.

hehehehe! :D
but i am happy, even when i am online, no ones online! hmm,....? :D :mad:
maybe because of the time! geez, time!!!!!