Who else is in favor of more Narnia books?


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I know I am. IMO it makes sense that others from our world besides the Pevensies and their cousin could have visited Narnia. After all, the Professor, in "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" told the Pevensies that they would be able to tell if other people they met had had similar adventures. So why not new stories? I think if the right author(s) could be found it would rock to have more Narnia!
I agree with you completely. There must have been more kids who have entered Narnia. And as you said if that the right authors that know how to write these kinds of stories then I think that they will be wonderful! :D
I'd like more Narnia books but I would never read one from an author other than Lewis, and that's not possible.
Yeah I agree. I would love to have more Narnia books but I don't think I could bring myself to read anything that is written by someone other than Lewis. It's like the Wizard of Oz books. L. Frank Baum wrote 12 (or was it 14, I don't remember right off hand now) original books about Oz. Since then there have been sooooooo many books written by others (alot of them by Baum's descendants) but they just aren't the same.
lamer said:
I'd like more Narnia books but I would never read one from an author other than Lewis, and that's not possible.

exactly. C.S.Lewis wanted it this way anyway.. when he stopped writing the books he said it would be better to stop when everyone still wanted more, then to stop writing them when everyone had grown sick of them.
Yeh I dunno if it's such a good idea with out Lewis to be honest, though in theory I would like more nanrnian adventures....i think, lol
I think that it would be awesome for new books to come out, but that is left to the imagination (taps on head with finger) lol. I am going to start a fanfiction that continues with the narnia series, so maybe i'll post it on here! Great idea :) :D
I heard Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis' stepson) say that he was asked by a young child why he didn't continue the series. He said that the story just stopped telling itself to him. I don't think Lewis would be very happy if more books were made.
aravis3 said:
I heard Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis' stepson) say that he was asked by a young child why he didn't continue the series. He said that the story just stopped telling itself to him. I don't think Lewis would be very happy if more books were made.

I accidentally didn't specify he in the first line. I meant C.S. Lewis was asked by a young boy or child I don't remember. Just thought that I would clear that up so no one would get confused. I also read on narniaweb, although it's pretty much a rumor, that Prince Caspian might be released December 2007. But that hasn't been confirmed yet.
Ummm sure if you can bring Lewis back to life then im for the new books. He was a genius and i wouldn't even come close to what he could come up with.
sailndwntrder said:
exactly. C.S.Lewis wanted it this way anyway.. when he stopped writing the books he said it would be better to stop when everyone still wanted more, then to stop writing them when everyone had grown sick of them.
its better to go out on top.
yeah, I like reading fanfic and hearing new ideas but I don't want anyone but CS Lewis writing the books. And since he's dead I think I'll follow his example and use my imagination.
Although it would be nice to read more adventures about Narnia, i dont think that it would be right or very fair to CS Lewis if more books are written, in respect to his memory, they should leave them as they are, i think thats what he would want as well.
I agree that officially, we can't really have more books as a) Lewis wouldn't have wanted it and b) he's dead and nobody can come close to doing them justice.

But I do believe that more people would have passed between the two worlds than we know about. We're only told about Diggory, Polly, Andrew, the Pevensies, Eustace, Jill and the Telmarines (who were pirates who came through a cave on an island in the South Seas). However I was reading LWW the other day and Diggory says to Lucy once she comes back from Narnia, "You musn't tell anybody about this, but you will know other people who've been there when you see them. They have a look about them". Seeing as at that stage, the only people aside from himself and the Pevensies who he knew that had been to Narnia were Andrew and Polly. What's to say he hadn't met other people who had been there, people we're never told about.

It all makes a very good platform for decently written fanfiction, IMO. :)
The real place for a new book would have been the rise of the White Witch, but I must admit that it would be unlike the others since it would end on a down note. All of the Chronicles of Narnia end somewhat more upbeat.

I have a short story about how the White Witch managed to worm her way to the throne, and I'll post it if anyone is interested.
lamer said:
I'd like more Narnia books but I would never read one from an author other than Lewis, and that's not possible.
Yes, it wouldn't be Narnia if it were by someone else.

I would HATE to see new Narnia books.

Lewis started them and ended them, other people's views on how Narnia should be aren't the same and I would never read them.