Who else is in favor of more Narnia books?

judyfromkansas said:
I know I am. IMO it makes sense that others from our world besides the Pevensies and their cousin could have visited Narnia. After all, the Professor, in "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" told the Pevensies that they would be able to tell if other people they met had had similar adventures. So why not new stories? I think if the right author(s) could be found it would rock to have more Narnia!

You have a point, however I am opposed to anybody but the origanl author wrighting storys about a made up world. Its been my expeirence that they dont tend to be as good, also I think that with books, less tends to be best, because if you look at Brian Jacques and Redwall eventually they repeat themselves, so I think that 7 is a good number!
My finished short work, "The Legend of Gorim" can be read at:


It is a relatively quick read, but I think you'll enjoy it. And if you feel absolutely moved to give me feedback (hint hint) there is an email link at the bottom of the page or PM me.... Cheers and regards. (and yes, bright eyes, I did edit the name...) :D
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Well done, Chakal! I liked it. The only thing is that bit about no one naming their sons Corin anymore -- because we know in just a few years, the king of Archenland will have twins and name one of them Corin ... or do you think because the WW is vanquished, they think it's okay to name kids Corin again?
Thanks for the praise, but my bad...about Corin... Eek, time to edit.... It's Gorim. I got confused...yeah...that's it. I misspelled Gorim....
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I actually started writing a fanfic about the Witch's rise to power...and it was good(not just b /c I wrote it, but bc other peeps said).

I am kinda half and half about the book thing. I would LOVE to have more, but only if they were written in the way C.S. wrote them--no cussing(except the occasional name for the donkey's) and the shan't and all the 1940's and such word usages. But oh well.
judyfromkansas said:
I know I am. IMO it makes sense that others from our world besides the Pevensies and their cousin could have visited Narnia. After all, the Professor, in "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" told the Pevensies that they would be able to tell if other people they met had had similar adventures. So why not new stories? I think if the right author(s) could be found it would rock to have more Narnia!

I think it would be awesome for some more books, but if someone wrote it they might ruin it! I would hate to see that happen! I think they would be better left untouched!
Same here. Let the books be. Besides, I think that the fact that there are seven books is quite symbolic as well...New ones will just ruin it I believe.
Agreed! Lewis wrote seven books because it was what he intended to write. We all love the world of Narnia that was created by Lewis and for someone else to try and add to it would be blashemey. Fan fiction is a wonderful endevor that I wholly support, however no expansion of the seven Narnia books should ever be published by a major publishing company.
I agree with most everyone else. Narnia was Lewis' vision. It would be very hard for someone else to write within the series and it not break the continuity. I don't know of any author today that I would even want to entrust such a timeless masterpiece to. that's not to say there aren't any good authors, but there was only one C. S. Lewis.
CSLewisFan said:
CS Lewis finished the series.

Get off being lazy and come up with an original story line. :rolleyes:

That isn't nice to say. There has been talk on this forum of a story about what happpen to Susan. There is the story of Qween Swanwhite. There are stories of Archenland kings that are talked about. Yes, Lewis made it hard by killing almost everyone off. He kind of took his ball home after the game and ruined it for us all. I've read most of the post Baum Oz book and I liked them still. It may be best to leave it completed and ask Professor Lewis to tell us more when we get to heaven. :)
CSLewisFan said:
CS Lewis finished the series.

Get off being lazy and come up with an original story line. :rolleyes:


He finished it very badly IMO.

Once I met Madeleine L'Engle at a writers' conference (she's the author of some great books, including "A Wrinkle In Time", which has a strong religious undercurrent). And somebody at the meeting asked her if she liked the Narnia books. She said yes, very much, except the last one. She said she believed Lewis had let the Christian allegory overtake the story, and I agreed with her then and I agree with her now. I HATED "The Last Battle". All of a sudden a great adventure series turned into a Sunday school lesson. I don't think I've ever quite forgiven Lewis for that.

And I'd be willing to bet good money that if ANY of the Narnia films fail, it will be the one based on that book. Why would anyone want to see a fairy-tale Armeggedon? I admire Lewis very much and have read most of his books, including "The Great Divorce", "Surprised By Joy", and "Mere Christianity". But he wasn't perfect, and the final book in the Narnia series IMO proves it.

I think more Narnia stories are possible. In fact I think I read somewhere that an author had written a story about Susan called "Brave Again". If it's good I hope it gets published. If it gets published I'll certainly buy it.
judyfromkansas said:
He finished it very badly IMO.


This is your ideology. I think the books had a terrific ending. I would not want them added to.

I would not be opposed to fan additional stories if:

1. A different title such as "Fan Additions to the Chronicles of Narnia" was used.

2. That no profit to be made off of the addition books. They would be just enough charge to cover publishing fees.

This ensures that the authors really are hard-core, well-meaning fans. Not enterprisers out to make a buck. (Also, making a profit off of the editions would clash with publishing copyright laws.)

3. That the additions to not take or scorn the original storyline. (This was pretty much taken care of with number one, since it will be well meaning fans of the original series writing the books.)

I agree with Kansas. Last Battle was a great story til they went in the Stable. Aslan never even appears in Narnia, only New Narnia. In the Bible Christ reigns on this earth for a 1000 year after the Tribulation. I tried to write a Susan book but got writers block.
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CSLewisFan said:

This is your ideology. I think the books had a terrific ending. I would not want them added to.

I would not be opposed to fan additional stories if:

1. A different title such as "Fan Additions to the Chronicles of Narnia" was used.

2. That no profit to be made off of the addition books. They would be just enough charge to cover publishing fees.

This ensures that the authors really are hard-core, well-meaning fans. Not enterprisers out to make a buck. (Also, making a profit off of the editions would clash with publishing copyright laws.)

3. That the additions to not take or scorn the original storyline. (This was pretty much taken care of with number one, since it will be well meaning fans of the original series writing the books.)


I agree completely. Any non-profit published fan fiction would be very welcome, because that way you could see the influence of Lewis on the individual writer.
i don't think it would do at all if new narnia books were published. i say this with almost personal experience, as i have read the "a life of faith" series (elsie dinsmore, millie keith, and violet travilla, but i have not read the new laylie colbert series).

the first series in this series, the elsie dinsmore books were written by martha finley, and were extremely well written. she also wrote some of the millie keith stories. the books after the books martha finley had written were written by someone else, but based on the same characters. as i have read through the new stories, i have found myself getting increasingly boreder and boreder. the laylie colbert books aren't even based on the same characters as the ones by martha finley, and i don't even want to touch them for fear that they will ruin the experience of the books written by martha, like the other ones almost have.

so in my opinion, new books written by a different author ruin a series, not that i don't like fan fictions. in fact i love them. but i wouldn't buy them if they were published - there are perfectly good ones on the net for free.

sorry this has been a long post, but just one last thing - what does IMO mean?
I have not read the books (Yes, I know Im missing out- starting next week)
But I usually do prefer the books as you can imagine the characters,
the plot, the background, movement etc.. In the movie it is quite 'fixed'.

An author's world, is THEIR WORLD. You can't EVER understand or fully comprehend that world the way the original author did, it can't ever be the same, and it's just gratuitous. There are a thousand different worlds to explore, when my pen finishes the last of my books that's it, nobody else has the right to touch it. That's MY world.