Who is The First Person you have talked to on these forums?

Blackcloak, I believe. It is so long ago I can't remember, but I can see blackcloak being the first person I talked to.
TheMachinist said:
The first person I talked to was either Mrs.Teacup, or Shakura something or other. Yeah.
er. we didnt exactly talk we kinda fought..

haha madeline i love ya to :)

MEHH the first person would have been..pretty_in_pink (izzle bizzle :) )
Orrr...Titanicfan :D Love ya
Supergirl_Amy said:
Who is the first person you talked to on these forums.Did you become friends?I did,the first person I met was Mar and became her friend :D .
awww!! ^ shes the best
Hester L. said:
Well, the first one I talked to was ES on one of his story threads :D, but my first friend on here was Mya/tottyfruitty (aka-my evil twin. :p)

yeah you all know its true!!!
love you amy!!!
best friends for life!!!
i forgot who was the first person...........humm probably like ilovewillaim and titanicfan, rogue...and some other people i dont remember!