I am of icelandic and norwegian heritage. My great grandma Augusta came from Norway to baysit her sister´s children here in Iceland. She fell in love with a local man and tadaa they settled here in Iceland ^^
I am only 1/8 part norwegian but it has certain affects upon me. My grandma got a very norwegian upbrining and her mother passed down to her many norwegian traditions. And then they were passed out onto mom and she uses them today. That refclets in the fact that we don´t throw any food away, use everything as well as we can and use money sparely.
Otherwise I am Icelandic but of Norwegian roots and possibly celtic as the norwegian vikings that setteld here often brought celtic slaves with them.
I love being Icelandic. I am a part of a tiny little island but it is a beautiful one. I love the culture my country has and I am very proud of it. But I am a proud part Norwegian as well ^^