Why is Prince Caspian the next movie?


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Why is prince caspian the next movie?

Why didn't they do the movies in chronoligical order instead of in the order they were published. They're going to have a "starwars counting" catastrophe on their hands by doing this :eek:
acually (getting in teacher mode) they started with L.W.W. because it's the most famous and they weren't sure people would want to go see a movie about 2 kids (dig. and polly) leaving our world. and P. caspian is next because they can't do t.h.a.H.B. for all the fake narnia fans that didn't read the books, they would all be very confused by wathcing t.H.a.H.B. (they would be like: how did they get so old, and i thought they left, or when did they comebak). plus prince Caspian is the best book of all time, why wouldn't they do it next?

i hope that my long explanation helps explain things!
Narniafreak152 said:
Why didn't they do the movies in chronoligical order instead of in the order they were published. They're going to have a "starwars counting" catastrophe on their hands by doing this :eek:

So far they are making the books in the order they were writen. Not the order they are sitting on your shelf.
So really, they are in the correct order.

And I liked the way they did Star Wars ;)

Because its the "true" order, not chronologically but LWW was publsihed first, then Prince Caspian. And if they made The Horse & His Boy by four years when they make Prince Caspian the children would be too old, for instance Peter would be 20, Susan 19, Edmund and Lucy are the only ones left.
Skandar ia hot said:
They hav 2 do it this way cos they want 2 do the films with the children in first otherwise they wud be 2 old 2 play the parts. :D :p :)

Yup, shes rite. They were already too old for the first one as it was......and now they are reallly gettin' old lol.
and btw CS Lewis wrote LWW FIRST.......and then wrote The Magician's Nephew as a prequel to it.

If they did The Horse and His Boy next, people wouldn't be as interested because they would be expecting to see the Pevensie children, not the Pevensie adults. If they do it this way, the cast can stay the same and whenever they do The Horse and His Boy they can use the original Pevensies because they'll be old enough to play the parts for that book.
purpleypenguin90 said:
If they did The Horse and His Boy next, people wouldn't be as interested because they would be expecting to see the Pevensie children, not the Pevensie adults. If they do it this way, the cast can stay the same and whenever they do The Horse and His Boy they can use the original Pevensies because they'll be old enough to play the parts for that book.

Exactly. :D

It does make since to do PC next. It is the most like a sequel and thus would make a good movie. Remember we have a long way to go to have all 7 books made into movies. I doubt we will get past SC, which is as far as they got in the BBC series. MN and HHB are like prequels and are not as likely to be made.
TimmyofOz said:
It does make since to do PC next. It is the most like a sequel and thus would make a good movie. Remember we have a long way to go to have all 7 books made into movies. I doubt we will get past SC, which is as far as they got in the BBC series. MN and HHB are like prequels and are not as likely to be made.

Yeas, I agree.....I think that the movies tht will be made will be the ones that have the Pevensie children IN them, no matter how old they are.

I totally agree that why didn't they make the magician's nephew next or first. It does sound like its going to be like Star Wars movies. I think the first book is just as important to illustrate the founding of Narnia. From Princess Lucy

They did LWW first because, besides being the first book written, it is the most popular.
As for the sequels....Adamson is correct when he says that if they don't film Prince Caspian soon, the Pevensie actors will become to old to play their parts and they will have to re-cast.
They are not making these movies in chronalogical OR publication order. They are making them in the order that is most convinient for the actors. After they make all the movies, we can watch them in whatever order we want.
glumPuddle said:
They did LWW first because...it is the most popular.....if they don't film Prince Caspian soon, the Pevensie actors will become to old to play their parts

I was going to say the exact same thing!! Good for you, GlumPuddle!! He's right....they can't exactly film "Prince Caspian" when WIll and Anna are both in their 20's. And even if they did film MN next, by the time they filmed PC, they'd have to get new actors, and then no one would be happy because Will and Anna and Skandar and Georgie would be gone and it just wouldn't be the same.
They are doing this because of th pevensie children. They can't wait and do the horse and his boy and have william just sitting around getting old. They have do to it so they can keep the same people playing the children. Because as every one know you can always make a girl look younger then she really is.
So what if Magician's Nephew is first in order, but that's not how Lewis did it. Lewis is the man whose example we must follow. They first book he wrote should the first one adapted. It's the same story with LotR, why didn't they start with the Hobbit. Because that's not what Tolkein did. It could use tons of examples to back this up, but trust me they are doing the right thing. It is what is meant to be. Caspian is the next movie movie because it's the next book, and that's how Lewis, God rest his soul, would want us to do. He owe it to him for captiving our hearts and imaginations.
If you all remember in the Narnia: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy grew older in Narnia, but once they left they were the same age as when they first stepped into the wardrobe.

In The Horse and His Boy, the children had been Kings and Queens for some time-- For Rabadash was planning on capturing Queen Susan and courting her.

For the children to grow progressively, Prince Caspian must be the next movie, and then the Voyage of the Dawn Treader after that one. They should probably film the Horse and His boy after that and film some of the scenes for the Final Battle, however save them for when the last film is released.