Williamites Thread III

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I don't care where William's at I just want to meet him!!!!!! I hate it that I never will(iam) (haha) :( *sniff, sniff*
Laughing and using a frowning face in the same sentence. . . got to be a first (for me)!
I'm not actually that far from Glouscester and I was in Bath this weekwhich is literally right next door to Wills hometown.
I just wanna know when he will be going to Wales so I can pop down and visit my cousin at that exact time :p.
I totally agree! :D

No new Will news ..... *sucks thumb and rocks back and forth in corner*
"Must have more Will pics. Must have more Will pics!"


your from Boston? omg thats so cool :p

all of them should seriously just stop by or do a little tour around the U.S.
Thanks guys lol.
I really want to do a tour of America though. That would be so cool and you know who I would love to do it with? William! :P Of course ;)
It irritates me who Canadians are always ignored. :p People only pay attention to the British or the Americans. :rolleyes: And I was reading a book today by a British writer and one of his characters lived in Ontario and I was jumping up and down. :rolleyes: And another time I was reading a book and the author mentioned MY city and I was like my city's big enough to be mentioned in this book? I always thought we were a rather small quite little city. :D

*cough* So back to Will.
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