Hylian Princess
New member
I was a Shia fan...until I found out he's a smoker. Doesnt fly with me. 

Good, cuz I was about to be turned off.
I might stick to Shia Labouf....
I really can't see Will doing anything like that....at all! And I'm sure he'll be able to break from the Narnia movies. He's a really good actor. He definitely has the potential.
I love Shia!! I miss Even Stevens but I love his new stuff.
Yeah....the mods are gonna kill us.
lol I don't think Will is going to further his education....
lol!! By school I meant college. I'm going back though
I'm sure Will may have majored in drama at least I'm not sure... lol
I want to do Human Services, Teaching and Broadcasting (radio). Three VERY different things hahahaah