My mom thinks I'm too modest. I guess I kind of am. I blush at everything, which is annoying!
I feel weird when I'm in bathing suits and shorts
haha!! i know!! i will never wear a bikini...all my bathing suits are disney tank top and skirt bottom sets. HAHA... nothing wrong with that though

and ladies..i wouldn't worry too much about dear ol' Will's turn-ons and turn-offs. there's so much more to what makes you compatible with a person than the basic bullet notes of turn-ons. sure, he may like a girl with confidance and humor....but he might just meet some girl and fall madly in love with her..she may be completely hilarious..but may be the total opposite of confidance....
so...if you're dreaming of meeting him and falling in love with eachother (which we all must admit that we least i know i do hehe)...remember just to be yourself.
ooooppssieeess...i feel a lecture coming on!! lol:
i have seen and known so many friends who love johnny depp or a guy from jonas brothers or whatever..and all of a sudden they change their hobbies and likes and dislikes hoping that someday...this celebrity will see them on their fanpage and fall in love with them that way..but just aint gonna happen that way!!
YOU HAVE TO BE YOURSELF!!...sorry if i took this way out of context here, it's just as soon as i saw the last few pages of this thread i could just imagine so many girls convincing them that they are this person (funny and confidant) even though they aren't..just hoping william MIGHT JUST SEE IT!!
but let me tell you this...william speaks VERY HIGHLY of girls who are 110% themeselves..he doesn't like girls who are someone that they aren't!! and it's very easy to see when someone is being fake or not....
so you ladies...don't worry about his turn-ons and'll find yourself changing just to be what he wants to you's an inevitable quality in chick fans.
..whew..lecture is now over!! WOOHOO! (now you can stop rolling your eyes at me and stop denying that i'm right hehe

) for me..just to join in this convo here...i dont know how funny i am...but i AM a total goofball....some may consider me obnoxious...but i consider myself....unique! lol!! for the confidance....i am confidant but i'm not independant. lol...i love who i am though many other do not lol (i'm a person you have to get to know, to like haha)...but i always have to have someone i love and trust to be by me FOR's something i need to work on