Williamites Thread III

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Hi everyone! I haven't been here in a while. I so miss all of you! So hows everybody doing? And whats up?

What exactly are we talking about? Sorry but my comps not letting me like see all of the 100+ pages and I get tired of lookig through them all.

And who makes the banners and siggys? I really want some!
Hi, Narnia_Lover! I'm Tesse. :D You can go to the "Brush Of Unicorn, Hide Of Bull" section and request someone to make a banner for you, if you like.

What song, Sami?
The Man Who Cant Be Moved. Go and check it out ;)
Hello NL4Ever! How are you?? I like your sig. Bens suit is really nice ;)

Sami I can't believe they are Irish. He certainly hasn't got an Irish accent when he sings. Have you heard their song We Cry??
The Scripts, eh?? Are they a British band? Because I love those .... I mean, look at the Beatles ...... although I can't give any excuse for Hyrise. :p Ben Barnes' boy band.
Oooo Irish? Irish are cool. I'm like vice president of the Irish club.

We're getting off-topic!! Say something about Will before the mods come swooping in!! :p
haha!! I love that SPAM cover up!!!! hahahahaah!! Wow, you guys are aamzing!! :p

How have the willianites been?!! Has will done anything great yet?? Like.....become single?!?! :P just kidding!! haha.

and what in the world happened to tdl! last time Iwas on here, it wasn't so....high tech! I feel like a spy now!! haha
Carz! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever.

You know. The Willianite usual. FAntasizing, stalking-no wait, nevermind that one..:D, and just plain out being banned from tdl by my rents.....haha. :p

I went CRAZY!!! :p
How have you been? I know! It's been too long since we had ourselves a conversation!
Yep Specter updated it ;)
Hope its not too high teck for ya Carz :p

Errm nope he's still dating me...I mean his gf.
He'll be starting shooting/filming soon.
Carzy!! I still think that's not fair .... you being banned, I mean. :(

The rest of us have been stalking as well! Uhh I mean ..... we've been "studying". Yea. :p
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