Williamites Thread III

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Nope sorry lol. But I might be going to college in London. Hopefully soon. :D

I watch a LOT of the BBC and I listen to the BBC radio broadcast ... just World News and thing like that. Probably where I picked up "naff". But I could totally talk to you guys in British speak if you ever wanted me to. :D
Mya and Sami: TRY ME!!! :D

Mya: Because I just want to get out of my normal life ..... do something different. Plus, I've always wanted to see London. And France, and Italy ..... etc etc!! lol
i want to go every where!!! *runs round the world really fast* there you go, every where, although i didnt really get to see any thing....
lol wow u r gd.

its weird to think bbc made it all the way to america!

he plays tennis............i cant really see him playing golf though lol with his sketched trousers and hat haha no!
haha....the one thing I love about the Willianites thread.....

you can be the only one on, and yet the stalking plans NEVER stop.......


And I reread some of the old Willianite stories and whatnot, and you know what I realized....I was the always the one that got arrested or something!! ME!!

I smell mutany....mutiny? MuTANY.....hmmm....*runs to check dictionary*
Hahahaha it's because you'll be the one looking the most suspicious if we got caught and questioned! And you'll be the stalker that Will won't want to be stalked by..........omgh did that even make sense? O.o Therefore he'll want you arrested.
Okay I'm going to give up on trying to find excuses why you would be arrested first if we ever stalked Will.
I think its mutiny! XD

Are you back at school yet Carz?
How was your operation?
Hahahaha it's because you'll be the one looking the most suspicious if we got caught and questioned! And you'll be the stalker that Will won't want to be stalked by..........omgh did that even make sense? O.o Therefore he'll want you arrested.
Okay I'm going to give up on trying to find excuses why you would be arrested first if we ever stalked Will.
I think its mutiny! XD

Are you back at school yet Carz?
How was your operation?

hahahaahhahhaaaa!!! Me?? SUSPICIOUS?!?!?! Mya, Mya.....it's like you don't know me at all!!! :( hahaha XD.
haha....what in the world are you saying?!?!?!? LOL >.<
MUTINY!! YES!! *jots down in black book* XD

Yes, I have started school!!! hahaaha....no, I haven't had it yet. I don't until November 5...haha!
Dear, dear Carz. I know you better than you know yourself and don't ask how! :p

Hahaha aren't black books for like writing down lists of people who you've dated or something like that lol. I heard that in a movie....
Maybe I just imagined them saying it.
Then again yours would probs be empty whereas mine would have Will in it! XD

Oh okay. How is school? I hope you're not getting picked on for being a bit.....strange and deluded. J/K!!!
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