GeNtLe SuSaN
New member
I noticed, Carz.
Why not Tess?
lol. How observant...
I noticed, Carz.
Why not Tess?
im onnnnnnnnnnnnnn
i didnt have any homewrok this weekend. it was a good weekend, even though *cough* some things happened
lol. ok i will. but its a long story.and word from the wise: my friends are weirdoes weirder than me that is
good for you
Hey guys!
Well, If it isn't the willianites.
I'm good, my arm hurts a littleYo urang?? (And I'm not saying "Sir" at the end so dont' even ask...)
I'm good TEss!!!
How about yourself, dearie???
back from writing my novel of a PM to carz
I'm good, my arm hurts a little
I'm good, my arm hurts a little
I hit it on brickswhen I trippedlol. THANK YOU SARA!!!
Why does your arm hurt Tess??????
hi Tess. im tired.
I hit it on brickswhen I tripped
I'm tired too
lol. I've done that Carz.