Willianites Thread II

lol. *picks up the tumbleweed and throws it out the window* there we go. *dusts hands* now for the 9 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 999 others.:eek:*faints*

this place was so dead!
..we were clearing our tumbleweeds!
this place was so dead!
..we were clearing our tumbleweeds!

yeah! and there was like tumbleweed everywhere. *nods* so we decided to clean up. *nods some more* and we decdided to rent a blimp to get everyone to come back on TDL *nods* but we only had $2.37 and a dime:(
heh lol, well we are willanites ;p

:eek: i didnt think of that.. that would have been so much easier :p

yeah. we can't help being hyper and weird.

but it was hidden underneath the tumbleweed!

look how many people are on now. it was more fun with just a few people.:(but you can saty Carz:D

Edit: well i must go my friends. bye. 8hugs* luv ya guys. and Carz me and nl are leaving and there's still a lot of tumbleweed flotaing around. clean it up will ya? lol. jk.
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