New member
haha I know, earlier my mom called me and goes "Hey, did you want that Harry Potter book? Its like $45!!!!" haahahahaha.
haha I know, earlier my mom called me and goes "Hey, did you want that Harry Potter book? Its like $45!!!!" haahahahaha.
haha nice only 20!
haha totally!
So whats new since earlier?
Steph, it is okay. I'm not done yet, but I have cried at partsi nteh beginning!!!
oh my gosh, YOU especially are going to hate one part
my dad still can't believe how many people died.... every hour I was giving him updates, because it seemed like every 3 chapters, at least 2 new people had died...
haha thats true, I was listening to it the other day and noticed that.yeah it is a good song! LOL though it has far too many swear words lol
woo HP trivia! (can you tell I just can't let go???)
my dad wouldn't go to sleep last night until I finished and told him how it ended
hhaa...TFSBT. I swear, I'll never forget that....
TIFFY-WAN!! *hugs*
Good luck wit hthat Tiff...
But, I'm giong to go and continue reading. Getting rather impatient.
With love and magic~
Carzy-Wan the Leprechaun
haha bye Carzy-Wan. Have fun reading!!!!!!!
lol at least its done nad you can reply faster and then we can hurry up and get cleaned up and gooooes!