Within The Urban Jungle

( chapter 3, part 1… )

Chapter 3: The Body’s Story…

It was a sad day today. The two rookie patrolmen did not enjoy this part of their job. They were instructed by Chief Detective Fonda to follow up a potential lead.
‘At least we don’t have to deal with the kid’s parents,’ morosely thought Officer Roger Merkley to himself.
His partner, Officer David Stevens, was driving their patrol vehicle towards their destination. They were given strict instructions by Chief Detective Fonda to go to the high rise apartment of one Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge to inquire into a piece of evidence found at the crime scene earlier this morning. As to why they were given this task, Officer Merkley could not fathom.
He voiced his opinion to his partner as they were on their way towards their destination.
Officer David Stevens simply shrugged his shoulders in response while still keeping his attention on driving.
“I don’t know, partner. Could be he wants us to take the initiative finally,” Officer David Stevens said plainly as he took a sharp turn around a corner without slowing the speed of their patrol car.
“Could be,” murmured Officer Roger Merkley in serious thought.
The rest of the ride was a silent one until they finally reached the apartment complex that was their destination.

Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge had partaken her morning meal after her coffee and had taken her daily bathtub scrub routine.
She still had on her stylish red bathrobe that acted as her morning attire, another of her designs from last Fall’s catalogue ensemble. She had just finished her deep cleanse morning yoga exercise before hearing her penthouse doorbell chime.
Glancing down at her left wrist, her digital aide showed the time to be nearing nine-fifty. She was not expecting anyone presently, so with curious trepidation, Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge took it upon herself to remain calm and graceful as she sauntered over to her apartment door.

( to be continued… )
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Your analogy with wildebeests, a few posts back, was pertinent. People can temporarily become afraid of, or enthusiastic for, something which at last is revealed to be wrong and/or trivial.
Your analogy with wildebeests, a few posts back, was pertinent. People can temporarily become afraid of, or enthusiastic for, something which at last is revealed to be wrong and/or trivial.

Well, it is called Within The Urban Jungle. Seems pretty appropriate I gather. :)

( chapter 3, part 2… )

Glancing through her door’s fishbowl lens peep hole, Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge was slightly surprised to witness two policemen standing just outside her apartment doorway.
Hastily opening her door, she bundled herself more firmly within her red bathrobe to appear more put together with the two male officers present.
“Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge?” inquired the slightly younger looking one of the two as the door was opened to Officer Merkley and Officer Stevens.
“Yes, I am she. How can I assist, officers?” Henrietta questioned, stepping to the side to allow the two unexpected visitors inside.
Officer Merkley and Officer Stevens did not allow this invitation to go to waste, they humbly took off their uniform hats as they entered past the threshold of Miss Suffridge’s apartment.
Henrietta availed herself and went over to her settee, sitting gracefully down as the police officers in question sat opposite side by side upon a lounge facing Miss Suffridge.
“Well, ma’am. We have to inquire into a magazine with your visage found at a scene,” haphazardly muttered Officer Stevens as the senior partner of the duo.
Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge blinked blankly for a moment in response before her face grew stern with intense curiosity and concentration as these words sunk in.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 3… )

“Well, in what way, pray tell, do you mean my visage?” inquired Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge with sincere curiosity.
The two officers gave slightly hesitant looks to one another before the younger of the two produced a magazine enclosed within a transparent plastic police evidence bag towards Henrietta’s face at eye level so she was able to see her circled with red marker face upon the cover.
“I see. And this was found at a crime scene?” Henrietta asked incredulously.
Officer Merkley bulked slightly upon his face at this question, obviously showing his inexperience as a rookie officer.
“We are not at liberty to say, Miss Suffridge,” quickly stated Officer Stevens as he noticed the change in demeanour upon his partner’s face.
Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge just slightly smirked in a belligerent manner and raised her eyebrow at this response.
The two officers seemed perturbed at talking to a woman of her renown, obviously showing their lack of training at trying to hide their incompetence in front of her.
“I trust that you understand me perfectly, officers. Am I a person of interest in this case of yours?”
Officer Stevens took this question in stride, answering it to the best of his ability.
“We have reason to believe so, yes. The victim of our case had it in his pocket,” Officer Stevens said plainly.
“Victim? So, a murder?” asked Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge in mock surprise with bated breath.
Inwardly kicking himself the fool for revealing information best left unsaid but unable to put the cat back in the bag, Officer Stevens resigned himself to merely nodding in the affirmative and replying bluntly, “Yes, Miss Suffridge,” .
Henrietta merely gave a curt laugh in reply at this as Officer Merkley sheepishly withdrew the evidence from her field of vision and placed it back within the inner jacket pocket of his uniform. The two policemen just shied away their downcast faces of shame from Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge until she spoke up once more.
“Please, do not trouble yourselves. I have never held a grudge for the boys and ladies in blue. If there is anything I can do to help, I am more than willing to aid you, officers,” Henrietta said without a second thought, her words of clarity and understanding making the two rookie officers ease upon their faces and demeanour instantly.
Henrietta knew that the world was a trying place at times and she meant what she said, willing and eager to do anything to help the city she lived in. That was, after all, her purpose in the Fashion world.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 4… )

“We are grateful for that, Miss Suffridge,” piped up Officer Merkley in a curt manner, possibly to satiate his and his partner’s embarrassment earlier.
Henrietta Delores Suffridge just acknowledged this with a soft nod in reply to the rookie officers to placate her own growing bud of curiousity.
“So, am I a suspect, then?” she asked fluidly, trying to gauge the reaction as she noticed mild shock upon the faces of the officers at her question.
“Not at all, merely a person of interest, possibly,” haphazardly responded back Officer Merkley, not noticing the chagrin look upon his partner’s face.
Officer Stevens merely coughed lightly at this response from Officer Merkley, stating with haste, “At this moment, we believe that there is no links to tie towards you and the victim, Miss Suffridge,”.
“Well, I should hope not. As you officers could plainly see, that magazine is a cent in a million of copies out there. No, if I hazard a guess, that circle around my picture is more than likely a threat towards me,” Henrietta announced without a second thought, which made her have a worried expression upon her face as she hastily stood up from her chair.
The officers followed suit, standing up from the settee with serious concern also plastered upon their own visage, eager to stand as if proper decorum announced it so to ease her fears.
“If that is the case, Miss Suffridge, we shall see to it you are safe with police protection,” Officer Stevens muttered with genuine concern etched upon his face.
“I am glad, thank you for offering your services, Officers,” Henrietta responded as she gently led the two of them back towards the door of her penthouse without being forceful.
“Of course, never fear Miss Suffridge. We shall avail you and be ever present so not to worry,” offered Officer Merkley as Miss Henrietta Delores Suffridge opened the door and the two officers left her penthouse apartment before she shut it behind them gently with a reassuring smile of thankfulness upon her face.
The two rookie officers stood outside of the doorway in the hallway with slightly confused and yet determined resolve upon their faces.
“What just happened?” Officer Merkley asked to his partner beside him.
“I think we just got recruited to Bodyguard detail,” responded back Officer Stevens with an outward sigh. “At least we can keep an eye on her as we do it.”
Officer Merkley just nodded in the affirmative to his partner’s statement as the two of them started walking down the hallway.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 5… )

The body was identified as that of Thomas Lemund, a fourteen year old of the private grade school known as Leonard Private High, other wise known as L.P.H, with the blazer jacket logo being the clincher for finding the school online and the monthly school newsletter having a photo of each class in every year, able to trace the name to the face of their victim.
Chief Detective Fonda admitted to himself that he was proud of this piece of online detective work that Policewoman Dobson did, as she had made a photocopy printout that she hand delivered to his desk with a satisfied smile at her diligent police work.
He had gave her the appropriate nod in response and she slipped back out of his office, grateful to have helped her superior.
Smiling slightly from behind his desk, Chief Detective Fonda glanced down at the photograph of a smiling fourteen year old boy in the school picture and the same face in the morgue picture of the ashen faced teen now bereft of life.
The smile escaped Chief Detective Fonda’s visage as his face resolved back to a hardened husk of determination. He swore that he would make whomever stopped this life would pay dearly for their transgressions of murdering essentially a child.
‘Not in my town,’ gravely thought Chief Detective Fonda as he gathered the pictures in front of him and got up from his desk, picking up his overcoat as he bypassed his coat rack upon the way out of his office.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 6… )

It was with cautionary trepidation and apprehension that made Hobo Ben hesitate as he was standing off the side of the main police building within Forbes Street, wringing his faded green beanie within his wrinkled hands. His bald head reflected the mid morning light of the sun whilst he stood with a worried look upon his haggard and worn looking face. But, with a sense of regimental duty, he stood up straighter and marched into the precinct office that grew more timid with every uniformed officer he walked past.
Feeling his determined nature deflate, Hobo Ben took the chance within the main reception area to sit upon an unoccupied bench to steady himself in his initial resolve.
It was not a long wait as the officer behind the waiting room reception desk finally noticed Hobo Ben and she came over towards him with a superficial smile plastered upon her face. Her badge plate read as Officer D. Kaye and her appearance was that of an average thirty year old woman within an impeccably smart uniform.
Her authority manner was not lost upon Hobo Ben as her facade of a smile dropped as she got close to him. He did not blame her for this, as his entire clothing and unwashed body reeked of garbage.
Still, she at least tried to remain civil in the immediate response to seeing him.
“What can I help you with today, sir?” Officer Debra Kaye asked with serious intention.
“I have a gun in my pocket,” Hobo Ben replied simply.
This response immediately made Officer Debra gaze at the homeless man in surprise.
“I see…” she responded, trying not to cause a panic in the police station, though her training made her whole body tense up inwardly at this piece of information.
“I found it in a nearby dumpster off my alleyway,” Hobo Ben stated before he made a movement to reach into his pocket.
“Freeze!” loudly cautioned Officer Debra Kaye as she withdrew her own issued firearm from the holster at her hip and pointed the weapon at Hobo Ben.
Hobo Ben did as he was bid and held his hands in the air to show he was no longer a threat to the female officer in front of him.
He did not resist as several nearby officers detained and cuffed him. It was about ten o’clock when the process was finished for his arrest and soon Hobo Ben found himself within a confinement cell until he would be interviewed by a detective.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 7… )

Chief Detective Gregory Fonda was on his way to the deceased’s residence, a thirty-two Highland Hills, the rich district of the city. The outside of the house looked like a modest building, but Chief Detective Fonda knew looks were deceiving in this pretentious neck of the woods. The outside may have looked like a modest apartment building but the way the city was that most affluent families that lived the city life were well within their rights to own the whole section of the building without so much a dent within their rich lifestyle or budget. Gregory Fonda knew if he would even begin to try to get a place in this district, he would have to pay at bare minimum twice what he got on a yearly salary.
With that grim thought within his mind, Chief Detective Fonda let it fester as he walked up the small stone way steps and knocked with purpose upon the door of number thirty-two.
A faint sound of a dog barking was persistent as sounds of muffled shushing and scuffling could be heard until a few moments later the door was opened slightly by a woman dressed in casual chic wear that included some purple tracksuit pants and her brown hair was in a bun as she answered the door.
“Yes, what is it?” was a slightly irritated tone from the woman whom looked no older than early to mid twenties or so.
“Chief Detective Gregory Fonda, Miss,” Gregory stated plainly, showing his police badge as identification.
“Is this about those parking fines? Cause I already paid em,” incredulously said the woman as she made a scrunched up face of distain.
“No, nothing like that. It involves a certain investigation of a Thomas Lemund,” Gregory Fonda responded profoundly, his voice with a serious undertone.
The woman seemed unperturbed on the outset, her frown growing deeper at the mention of Thomas Lemund’s name.
“Well, he’s not here. Anything he has done, contact the family’s lawyer,” the young woman said plainly.
“That’s just impossible. Thomas was found dead early this morning,” Chief Detective Fonda announced, his voice a little more subdued as he delivered this news.
“Dead? Well, the family had best know I guess,” muttered the woman casually as she opened the door fully to grant the visitor access to the inside of the ground floor of the apartment.
Chief Detective Gregory Fonda seemed slightly irritated at the flippant manner of the young woman but held back his emotions as he kept up a professional attitude despite his misgivings of the young woman’s remarks in regards to Thomas Lemund’s death. With heavy footfalls, Gregory Fonda delicately treaded into the Lemund Residence, leaving behind all inhibitions as he surveyed a semi spacious front hallway that screamed modern chic decor with a splash of luxury thrown in at ostentatious and garish window dressing to show how much was on display for likewise wealthier individuals.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 8… )

Chief Detective Gregory Fonda closed the door behind himself after entering the Lemund abode, taking note of the organised chaos of the main hallway. A medium fern-like plant in an overcompensating vase was reaching for the sunlight in the corner where a few loafers and heels were situated within a shoe rack. Above those were iron cast hook hangers in a mahogany wall with at least two rain jackets and a high class fedora hat that Gregory Fonda assumed was of real Italian leather on a hook of it’s own on the rightmost rung.
The layout of this apartment’s ground floor was noticeably more stylish with a door that was a mere feet away from the coat and shoe racks. To the right of Chief Detective Fonda was another closed door and the hallway veered off from there into what appeared to be another doorway leading into a back room of some sort, maybe a deeply recessed kitchen or study.
There was a stairway leading up to another floor, possibly to the bedrooms of the residents and was situated to the left of the main entrance. It was past the coat hangers and shoe racks and the closed door to the left of Chief Detective Fonda. The young woman that allowed him entry was currently standing to the left of Chief Detective Gregory Fonda, seemingly just ignoring his presence for the moment as she had her cell phone out and was idly checking her messages.
This action was soon short lived however as the door to the left of the hallway opened and an older woman stepped out in a grey mink coat and was adorned with jewels upon her wrists and around her neck. She wore a beaded dress that betrayed her lifestyle as an affluent woman with rich tastes and was what Gregory Fonda to surmise as possibly late thirties or early forties in age.
But, that summary in Chief Detective Gregory Fonda’s mind was soon disrupted by the small fluffy Pomeranian dog that she carried within her arms. It gave a small oppressive bark towards Chief Detective Gregory Fonda, an intrusive stranger that dared to impose upon it’s territory. This did not seem to disrupt the older woman in the slightest, merely ignoring the dog’s temperament by directing her focus to the young woman whom by this point had put away her cell phone.
“Darla, Fifi needs her daily walk. Do be a dear and see to it,” she declared, her tone despite being sweet was more a command than a request.
“At once, Mrs. Lemund,” the young woman now known as Darla responded as she took Fifi the dog from her owner’s hands and attached a dog lead she had taken from her purple pocket onto the rhinestoned collar the small dog was wearing around it’s neck.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 9… )

As the young woman known as Darla absconded outside with the still yapping dog called Fifi, Chief Detective Gregory Fonda inclined his personage towards what was evidently Mrs. Lemund, the mother of the victim.
Mrs. Lemund took stock of the broad shouldered man as if realising he had suddenly popped up in existence with a chagrin frown of obvious disfavour.
“What, pray tell, are you?” she muttered with distain, obviously not currying her discomfort at a literal stranger within her home.
Chief Detective Gregory Fonda just gave a brief nod as he removed his hat and showed his credentials from within his coat pocket whilst announcing, “Chief Detective Fonda, ma’am.”
Whatever impression Gregory Fonda meant to illicit, he did not expect the blatant disregard of indifference that Mrs. Lemund showed upon her face as she crossed her arms in front of herself like an impertinent child not getting their way.
“And?” she asked incredulously, her eyebrow raising in sarcastic sentiment.
“I am sorry to inform you, Mrs. Lemund, but your son has been found dead this morning,” Chief Detective Gregory Fonda stated, feeling the gut wrenching feeling he had dreaded to tell, even though he had done so countless times in his career as a policeman.
But the reaction from Mrs. Lemund was the first he had ever seen ever in his line of work. The mother of the deceased seemed to draw herself up straighter with a hardened air about herself. At first, Gregory Fonda expected this to be an affront to keep up appearances. This was not so, as the woman merely nodded her head solemnly and simply said in response, “Well, I expected it, Chief Detective. My son has always been a troublesome child.”
Slightly taken aback by the lack of empathy, even from the death of a loved one’s own flesh and blood, Chief Detective Gregory Fonda kept up his professional demeanour as best he could whilst grimly he set his face in a stoic expression of hard boiled determination.
“Is your husband at home, Mrs. Lemund?” he asked in his gruff sounding tone of authority.
“Yes, he is. Though I do not know why we should disturb him,” Mrs. Lemund muttered as her raised eyebrow had set back down upon her brow, the demeanour of her face one of slightly irritated puzzlement.
Chief Detective Fonda felt no need to respond to that statement, the awkwardness between the two of them a lingering silence that made Mrs. Lemund begrudgingly sigh in irritation at the man before her.
“Very well, if we must,” she stated with a bored tone, opening the door to her right as she opened it with ease and sauntered inside whilst leading her uninvited guest deeper into her home.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 10… )

The room Chief Detective Gregory Fonda found himself in was a medium sized sitting room of sorts, an elongated leather couch the central piece of furniture facing the only bay window that was facing towards outside the frontal street of the apartment complex. Royal Purple draped curtains were slightly drawn back to allow the natural sunlight to creep through the window and bathed a man in his mid fifties sitting upon the couch as Mrs. Lemund and Chief Detective Fonda entered. Standing abruptly up, the man beheld a business chic suited look whilst he was wearing a burgundy robe draped in front of his business suit, his condescending manners of fashion not adhering to his overall appearance of casual business attire. His clean-cut coiffed greying hair betrayed his cold and hard look of trying to appear younger than he actually was. Beholding his majesty demeanour, Gregory Fonda gave a curt nod of acknowledgement as the wrinkles upon the man’s brow showed disfavour at possibly being indisposed by this sudden interruption.
Mrs. Lemund briskly stood by the side of what Chief Detective Fonda only assumed to be her husband, an assumption that was soon verified as she and the man held hands in a form of emotional attachment and she Turned to ChiefDetective Fonda with the same contemptible expression that the man had.
“Darling, sorry to bother you, but this is a Chief Detective whom has news about Thomas,” Mrs. Lemund drawled in a voice akin to that when one was inconvenienced about something.
“Really?” asked Mr. Lemund as he set his face in a hardened state.
It was not lost upon Chief Detective Fonda that the enquiry asked by the man of the house was not in puzzlement or surprise, just a question demanding a reply in a harsh tone.
“Yes, sir. Your son was found murdered this early morning,” Gregory Fonda responded, a note of sympathy betraying his disposition as he felt it best to just announce the hard truth.
Mr. Robert Lemund seemed incredulous but did not change even a muscle in his hard-faced exterior, the news sinking in after Chief Detective Fonda had announced these words.
“And what do you want me to do?” Mr. Lemund asked, his steel like gaze fixed coldly upon Chief Detective Fonda.
Gregory Fonda was lightly abashed once more by the unsympathetic tone he was hearing from the Lemunds today.
“Nothing, sir. Just felt you ought to know,” Gregory muttered, wondering if this was the usual way the rich side of the city treated tragedy in their daily lives.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 11… )

The stagnant tension of entitlement was not lost upon the Chief Detective as he surveyed the faces of the parents of Thomas Lemund. There was no hint of remorse or pity for the boy, just the indignation of irritation at having their day be interrupted by Gregory Fonda.
He decided in his mind that this was a lost cause, placing his fedora back upon his head as he uttered, “I shall avail you no longer, Mr. Lemund. Is it okay, with your permission, that I search Thomas’s room?”
Robert Lemund’s face still held a rigid look of contempt but Gregory Fonda noticed a slight ease in the affluent man’s posture like he was grateful to no longer be disturbed within his own home.
“Do what you want,” Mr. Lemund replied with a flippant remark, letting go of his wife’s hand before lounging back upon the sitting room couch and facing away from the Chief Detective with an air of dismissive arrogance.
Gregory Fonda did not acknowledge this, merely done with Mr. and Mrs. Lemund's attitude as he beat a hasty retreat from the sitting room back out into the hallway he had first stepped into.
He made his way upstairs, the red carpeting cover of the stairway a rather gaudy look to them as he found himself upon the second floor of the apartment house.
Chief Detective Fonda was able to find Thomas Lemund’s bedroom after trying at least two doors, finding one leading to what appeared to be an upstairs washroom and the other a single bedroom that was obviously more suited to a fourteen year old’s standards.
He entered the room and closed the door behind himself, taking a quick survey glance of the room he was now within.

( to be continued… )
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( chapter 3, part 12… )

The bedroom was of a modest size, the term being of what one would consider average for a flat in the lower downtown of Urban Jungle City. Chief Detective Fonda grimaced at this sizeable abode within the confines of this enlarged apartment flat merely used for an affluent family bedroom for a son they probably ignored existed.
This was evident in the bleak surroundings of the victim’s bedroom. There were no signs of light or joy, no framed photos to be seen, nor even childhood memorabilia that Thomas Lemund showed upon display. There was a single queen sized bed with black satin duvet covers that had no signs of being touched since the victim had been found, nor any inclination he had slept in it.
The only photo was by a deep oaken bedside table, above it pinned upon the wall a poster picture signed by rock and roll sensations Deidre and the Dolls, a current “fad” with the local teenage populace of Urban Jungle City.
With a resolute sigh of not to be in current know, Chief Detective Fonda drew his attention to the delicately framed portrait of a teenage girl depicted in the photograph. She looked about near the same age of the victim, smiling delicately with abashed shyness at having herself being photographed whilst holding a single rose within her hands serenely and lightly blushing in embarrassment.
Having found little to no clues as to whom this mystery girl is, Chief Detective Fonda frowned with perplexed thought etched across his brows.
Suddenly, his work phone buzzed within his jacket pocket. With disgruntled thoughts at the sudden interruption, Chief Detective Fonda took out his phone and answered the call.
“Chief Detective Fonda here. Whatcha want?” he responded into the receiver end of his cell phone with gruffness.
He awaited patiently as a flustered voice came from the other end of the call that did not seem to improve his already disgruntled mood.
“I’ll be right over. Give me at least five minutes,” he briskly replied after the caller had stopped talking.
He did not wait for the affirmative from the other end, merely ending the call with definitive swiftness of a push of a button. He placed his phone back within his jacket pocket.
He had wanted more time within the victim’s room to at least grasp what the victim was like before he was cut in his days of his life, but it would have to wait as there was more to deal with from his precinct.
With a slumping of his shoulders of unsatisfied police work, Chief Detective Fonda beat a dissatisfied retreat from the room and subsequently the Lemund Residence. He got into his squad vehicle that was parked at the curb and made his way back to the local hub of the Urban Jungle Police Force.

End Of Chapter 3.

( to be continued… )
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