Wizards and Witches Academy


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Its sorta kinda like Hogwarts.....Ok..it is like Hogwarts only it has nothing to do with HP..There are five years but no houses

Name: Lilly Ande
Age: 12
Year: 2
Bio: She is a very talented with even though she is in her 2d year. She is a bookworm and loves sports
Looks/Pic: Long black hair, a milky white skin tone, ice blue eyes, lightly flushed cheeks, 5 feet 3 inches, and always has different hilights in her hair. Its normally dark blue
name- Stella Starbright
age- 17
year- 5th
bio- most popular girl and beautiful in school a very talented witch is especially good at charms her father rodger starbright is a famous wizard stella comes from a rich family
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Name: Mitch Collins
Age: 13
Year: 3
Bio: Is a rather dubious character because of his attitude and his dodgy but cute appearance. Still, he is actually a kind guy to know. He likes to read spellbooks by himself and studies alone. Hobbies include skateboarding and wand praticeing.
Looks/Pic: Mid-neckline black straight hair that is combed to the left though his fringe falls, has brown eyes and lightly tanned skin tone. He is 5 feet and 5 inches. He is of medium build and of medium/ slim weight.
Name: Eve Vantresca
Age: 14
Year: 4th
Bio: Rich. Underestimated. Quiet, kind, and smart. Is especially good at DADA. Is kind of wimpy and can get emotional. Known to be the sister of the ever-popular Jeremy Vantresca.

Name: Jeremy Vantresca
Age: 15
Year: 5th
Bio: Sister of Eve Vantresca. Very popular but most people don't know his true personality. Outgoing, fiery temper. Kind to his sister because he knows she doesn't have many friends. Caring and adventurous.
WE CAN START (its the start f a new year)

Lilly walked up to the acamey. She was pulling a suitcase behind her. It was filled with books, and clothes, and other stuff. She had her favorite outfit on: a blue tanktop, with a dark blue mini skrit (unlike hogwarts you dont need to where uniforms) Her hair was down with dark red highlights. Normally she'd would of had Blue highlights but she felt like red would be good today.​
OOC: Coolio....his third year starts...lol.


Mitch Collins hefted his large suitcase, straining with effort slightly to lift it off the ground.
He was having trouble with his suitcase because his bratty older brother had put a jinx upon it before Mitch left to go to school.
And it was a strong jinx too, since Mitch's brother had more experienced spells then he did.
Mitch's black fringe got in the way as Mitch yanked the suitcase past his body and put it down on the ground an inch in front of him.
Brushing away his fringe, Mitch sighed and started to lift his heavy suitcase once more.
Mitch was wearing his normal clothes, black trousers and a blue t-shirt with a black sleeveless jacket and wore black sneakers with white socks.
Giving up slightly, Mitch decided to drag his suitcase the rest of the way, leaving a groove in the dirt path until he came upon the concrete steps in front of the academy.
Glancing up in awe, Mitch yanked at his suitcase, going up the first step, careful not to let his suitcase fall from his hands.
Lilly went through the front door and walked to the front desk. "Hi! I'd like to know what room Im In." Lilly asked. "Lilly Second year?" The lady asked. Lilly Nodded. "Room 490." the lady said. "Thanks." Lilly said and walked out into the bright sunlight. She walked towards the dorms wich were to the left
After managing the steps, Mitch continued forward through the open doors.
He walked into the corridor and went up to the front desk.
"Uh, hi?" stated Mitch slightly awkwardly.
"Mitch Collins, Third Year?" asked the woman behind the counter.
Mitch nodded his head.
"Room 308," responded the woman.
Mitch nodded again and turned around, dragging his suitcase behind him.
He knew where to go, for luckilly his old room was near the 300's section last year.
Mitch left the corridor out the front door and started down the steps. It took him five minutes to reach the bottom of the stairs safely but Mitch was able to do it without harming himself or his suitcase.
Going to the left, Mitch walked over to the dorm rooms area of the building.
Jeremy walked confidently into the school followed by Eve, who was dragging two suitcases. Jeremy went up to the lady and said, "Jeremy Vantresca." she informed him that he was to be staying in room 310, so he turned to Eve and took his suitcase. "I'll take that from you," he said. "See you later."

Eve walked up to the lady who told her she was in room 487. eve nodded and wiped her brow, then dragged her suitcase to her room.
Mitch noticed other older students walk past him, except one, a girl maybe his age.
Not really paying attention, Mitch continued, watching the others continue past him, Mitch dragging his heavy suitcase behind him with effort.
It was not long until Mitch finally reached his room, Room number 308.
The wooden door seemed to open magiclly for Mitch as he stood outside the door.
Lilly went to her room (490) and dropped her suitcase on the floor. "Much better the last years." She said grinning. She started to unpack. Then she went into the sun to roam around the school