~ Worlds Collide ~

im here, sorry....

"excuse me?" Ginny was angry, and that wasn't a good thing for her aqquaintances.
"But where the-what-WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?"
"I'm sorry," Susan wasn't one for arguing. "But I don't know."
"But you're the Queen of this place!" Ginny felt like crying. She never liked yelling at people, especially one of the Queens of wherever this was.
"I don't know," Susan said in a small voice. "Maybe, Aslan can help us."
"Aslan?" Harry asked, speaking for the first time in a while.
"I can think of one person who can help us. It's a pity Dumbledore's not here." Ginny said sadly.

OOC: Sorry if they all seemed out of character, I'm just half asleep, so live with it ^_^. Also, can Dumbledore come out now, whoever is Dumbledore.
ooc: Hehe thats ok..i was just wondering where everyone went.. ^_^ ! i think glamel plays dumbledore...

"Everything'll be alright...I hope.." Hermione started saying. "If these woods are anything like the Forbidden Forest back at Hogwarts..well then .. we might be in trouble.." she added on with a gulp.

She looked around desperately for a way out.
"Oh I do wish Dumbledore was here...Maybe he can figure out a way out of this forest or at least give us some of our magic back..." Hermione said with a heavy sigh twirling her wand around her fingers.


"Peter, Who was that guy?" Lucy asked still holding on to her dear brother. "It felt like he had some sort of magic in him..he did something to the horses that made them run away..."
Draco sneered at Hermione. "Of coarse a mud-blood feels safe around Dumbledore! You always feel safe around that old, crippled man!" he said, turning his horse around to face Peter's. "Yes Peter, who was he?" he said to Peter, who was coming over to them. Peter looked at Susan and said, "That man...that man..." he said, shivering with fear. His eyes were wide open and starring in the forest, still shivering with fear.
Hermione was ready to chuck her wand at Draco but it wasnt nescessary at a time like this. She tried muttering different spells and flicking her wand but it was useless.

"That guy had a wand didnt he?" she asked around. "Why was he able to use it but we cant??"


"He probably has some sort of dark magic..." Lucy replied to Hermione.

"Peter, Ed, Su, I'm getting hungry..." she said holding her stomach. "I think we shouldve eaten breakfast back at Cair Paravel..."
While the others readied themselves to return to Cair Paravel, Ginny stared ahead distractedly.
"That man!" Ginny said suddenly. "I know where we've seen him before."
"Oh!" Harry remembered too. "He was at the ministry that night. When we were there in our fifth year. He's a Death Eater."
The wizard (and witch) population of the group had solemn expressions on thier faces. The Pevensies merely looked confused.
"Huh?" Susan stared blankly at Harry.
"I remember now!" Hemrione exclaimed. "..But what is he doing in this world?" she asked out loud. "You don't think You-know-who's recruiting people from this world too??"

Lucy stared at Hermione.

"You- know-who?" she asked her confused.

"Err..well.. you see he's an evil wizard in our world that's been trying to kill Harry," Hermione started explaining. "and if he succeeds he could take over our world completely!"

"Oh..how horrible!" Lucy replied after hearing Hermione's explanation.
"Peter, Su, Ed weve got to tell Aslan about this! I'm sure he could help! We don't have time to go back to Cair Paravel, we must continue... into the woods..." she said pointing towards the darkness.
"Into? The woods?" Susan asked timidly.
"Hey, I'll go. If it helps Harry." Ginny said.
"Oh okay," Susan sighed.

OOC: Sorry if that was short, but I am exhausted. I went on a Phantom of the Opera rampage last night....^_^
Hello Im a new member of the RPG! ^_^ I'll be a she-elf named Luthien (That's my name in elvish!) Her discription: A brunette with blue eyes and a master swardsman. She has good aim with a bow and her best friend is Leon her light grey horse whitch she sits upon. She can speak to him and to other animals. She is soft spoken, but when you come between her and her elvish spells it might not be such a good idea. She has a headdress of white pearl in the shape of angel wings that spread across her forehead; representing purity and love

whats been happening so far?
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Could someone give me a quick synopsis of what's been happening? I read the last few pages, but I'm still lost. I was supposed to be in here originally, but I forgot where exactly it was, since I'm still rather new here. I'd like to bring my characters in. I have The Professor and Snape. I'd be happy to help continue the story, I have a very active imagination, and it would be fun.
Thedryadhobbit said:
Could someone give me a quick synopsis of what's been happening? I read the last few pages, but I'm still lost. I was supposed to be in here originally, but I forgot where exactly it was, since I'm still rather new here. I'd like to bring my characters in. I have The Professor and Snape. I'd be happy to help continue the story, I have a very active imagination, and it would be fun.
I wanted to know too, but I guess well have to read it
Severus Snape was not happy to be awake at this time of night. In fact, when he found the students who had caused Mr. Filch to rampage past his bedroom door at 12:00 that night, he planned on giving them some very unpleasant detentions. And he could do unpleasant. Sneaking along to corridor in a way that had gotten him past so many of his foes, death eaters or otherwise, Snape came across a large, and disgustingly ornate wardrobe. He knew that Filch liked it a lot, and had promised to bring down instant punishment (Death, or worse) on any student that he found inside of it. Therefore, it seemed the only logical place that some harried students would hide in. With an evil smirk on his face Snape let the wardrobe door swing open almost silently, dropped on the floor and crept into it. If he found any students in the wardrobe, he would be sure that the wrath of Mr. Filch, as well as his own wrath would fall heavily on them. And if it was Potter or some of his degenerate friends in there...well, so much the better. He had never liked them anyway.


Professor Kirke looked out the window of his study, and sighed. He had thought that having the children come to live with him would liven things up somewhat, but the younger of the four children seemed to be almost frightened of him, and the only conversation he had with the two older ones had shown them to be in shocking want of logic. Imagine believing your own little sister was mad, simply because she had claimed to be in a fantasy world! Thier inability to imagine implied a bit of insanity might not be far from them! But the Professor knew that the children's lack of logic wasn't what was bothering him. It was Lucy's story. The curious nature of it, so like his own, long ago encounter with a different world, had made him long, more than he could say, to return to that world, to see what had become of it and it's people, what his sin of bringing the Witch to Narnia had done to the land. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to. Right after he'd heard Lucy's story, he'd tried the wardrobe. Nothing. He'd been trying it regularly, and still had found nothing. It was a dissappointment, to say the least. He told himself that he wouldn't even want to stay there that long, he just wanted a glimpse of the land. Just a glimpse. He was thinking this so hard that he found himself speaking his thoughts aloud, along with the name of the person he thought of the most from Narnia "Just a glimpse Aslan, that's all I ask. Just a glimpse...." Suddenly he heard a very odd noise behind him. It sounded like some kind of a yell, coming from a great distance, but still audible to his ears. He ran to his door, and flung it open, hoping to hear the sound again, to discover where it was coming from. The hall outside his study was very dark, and as he stepped into it, he heard the sound again. It was a lion's roar. He turned toward it, and found that he was no longer in his own house. He stood in the middle of a forest, next to a livid looking man with black hair.

OOC: Wow, that was really long, but it was my first attempt to joing a RPG, and I had to insert my characters somehow.
Tumnus lover, do you still want a synopsis? Here it is: They began with Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron in Hogwarts. Ginny and Hermione went to go find Harry and Ron who were investigating where they shouldn't have been, and they all went to hide in a big, ornate wardrobe in Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy also joined them. After being there for a few minutes they found themselves in the castle of Cair Parevel, in Peter's room. Meanwhile Lucy and Susan and Haley Pevensie were having a conversation about Lucy's dreams, which involve the White Witch returning. (This is a couple years after the coronation) Lucy goes to Peter's room, and finds him yelling in the wardrobe as he is faced with five unexpected visitors. Lucy wonder's what he was doing in there, and they all greet the Harry Potter characters, who arouse thier suspicions by pulling out wands. But Hermione figures out that thier magic wont work in Narnia. Peter and Lucy offer to show them around Narnia, and Peter wakes up Edmund, and they all go out on horses to explore. Peter and Edmund take along thier swords in case the wizards and witches turn out to be evil. The party of explorers make it to a woods, and Lucy looks for a shortcut. Then they see an old bearded man that Ginny recognizes as a death eater. His magic works in Narnia, and they speculate whether Voldemort has gone recruiting in Narnia. The death eater scares thier horses, and Lucy sprains her ankle, and they get pretty lost in the woods. Dumbledore has also found his way into Narnia.
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The story continues, and meets up with the rest of the characters

Professor Kirke's delight at getting back into Narnia was somewhat dampened by the fact that the first preson he saw there, a tall, skinny younger man with lank black hair around his pale face, turned to him with a snarl, grabbed him around the neck and pinned him to a tree. To many people this might not seem a very bad hardship, but Professor Kirke had a small human weakness, in that he occasionally had to breathe. Thankfully the black haired man let up on his choke hold a little as he hissed a question in the Professor's face.
"All right, how did you bring me here? And how are you damping my powers? Whatever you're doing, it better stop in three seconds, or..." And he tightened his grip on the Professor.
"Actually my good fellow," choked the Professor to the livid Snape, "If you'll think about it logically, you'd have probably come to the conclusion that if I brought you here and took your...powers, a simple choke hold would be extremely ineffective against me. And unless I am a very consumate liar, with an overly complicated plan, it is unlikely that I would be talking so rationally and pleasantly to you. Lovely woods here."
Snape, no stranger to logic, was beginning to realize that the rather mild mannered professor could not be the one who brought him there. He realised his grip on the older man, somewhat apologetically, and turned away. No part of these woods looked at all familiar to him, and he fancied that he was fairly well acquainted with all the woods around Hogwarts. Also, he knew of no weapon in planning for Voldemort, or the Order of the Pheonix that involved the removal of one's magical powers. Therefore, logically, he must come to one of two likely conclusions: 1. There was a weapon. He just didn't know about it. or 2. He was in a world that did not obey the laws of his own. He decided to ask the old man for more clarification.
"Excuse me," he asked the Professor "As long as we are acting under the assumption that you aren't a consumate liar, may I ask if you know where we are?"
"Well, I can be almost entirely sure that we are in a different world, the world of Narnia, since it smells and feels almost the same to the one I once visited as a boy, and since I heard Aslan's voice when I entered it, I can be fairly certain that it is Narnia."
"Aslan?" A strange feeling went through Snape, as if he had been very dirty, and had just stepped into a warm bath. "Interesting. So you've been here before. Do you know if any kind of magic works in this land?"
"Well, I don't know what kind of magic you mean, but if any magic works, it is the good kind mostly. The kind that may or may not be the kind of magic you are thinking of. But if you really want your question's answered, I suggest we head deeper into the woods, I have a theory that the roar I heard from Aslan came from that direction."
"Roar, did you say? Just who is this Aslan exactly?"
Snape and Professor Kirke headed deeper into the woods, all the while moving towards the small group of young people, who were also in search of Aslan.
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Hmm, I'm getting the feeling that no one wants to post here anymore.... Rather sad. The story was just getting good. I promise that none of my posts will be as long as the above posts! I had to insert my characters into the story, and that takes a little doing.
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I. AM. BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woot! I am so happy. Anyhoodle, let me start: hmm…where were we?

Ginny froze. She had heard it, she was sure of it.
“Hermione,” she said in a low voice. “did you hear that voice?”
“I did.” Harry said, leaning in. “Do you think…”
“It was Snape!” Ginny said, relieved that she had not been hallucinating. “I’m sure!”

Meanwhile the Pevensies were having their own conversation.
“Do you think,” susan said in a low voice. “that Professor Kirke can come back to Narnia?”
“No, I don’t.” Lucy said. “Unfortunately. We could really use his help.”

Ooc: Aaaaaaaaaanddd?