OOC: I'll list all the characters and where they are.
Elijah(Josh the Jester): In a coma
Emyrs(Josh the Jester): Talking to Sana
Sana(Nightcrawler_Fan):Talking to Emyrs
Josh(Josh):Talking to Katie
Katie(Gentle Voice):Talking to Josh
Carmen(Gentle Voice): Not sure where she is.
Edward(King of the Hallows): Not sure where he is.
Sana and Emyrs are training. Katie and Josh are talking because Josh is not well. Edward is new to the school. Carmen is Emyrs' sister.
That help?
IC: Sana smiled. "You can't remember how you were put into a coma? That's odd."
ooc. That helped a lot. THANK YOU heaps!
Hannah, I FINALLY found my really old profile for Shiloh! lol. And it took forever, anywho, here it is:
Name: Shiloh Valerian
Nickname: Voyance
Age: 17
Bio: Shiloh grew up on a small farm in Pennsylvania with her mom, dad, sister, and three brothers. At the age of eight, her parents realized that there was something different with her. She could predict the future. Every night she had detailed dreams that she remembered with perfection, and everything she told them came true. A side effect of her "symptoms" was a self perpetuating healing system. If Shiloh would be wounded or killed in the future, her body would turn into a non-destructible figure. By the time she was 10, her parents had taken her a to a trusted docter, who said he had never seen anything like it, and promised to contact a trusted friend from France, who would know what to do. Thinking that their daughter was in safe hands, they ended up sending her off to Reims, France under the care of Anatole Kozlov, a Russian descendent who was born in France, and also the "trusted friend". Anatole proved to help Shiloh, as her dreams had become more vivid and horror filled. Once Shiloh had accepted his friendship and trusted the older man, she convinced her that we had to experiment on her, in which she didn't refuse. Anatole took blood samples from other patients, since he knew that Shiloh would heal herself if anything bad would happen. After awhile, she had several bad side effects: migraines, internal bleeding, loss of vision, and even an unexpected pregnancy that had come out of a blood transition. Shiloh carried through having the baby, even though she was 15, because she wouldn't stand aborting it, plus Anatole had said it would be good for experimental results. The baby was born with deffects and died after a few days, leaving Shiloh scarred with guilt that she had done something wrong. By the age of 17, several things had gone wrong. Anatole had sent Shiloh to Russia for his master to see the results in his experiments. Avoiding all the details, Shiloh was beaten, experimented on, her family was killed, and she was left on the streets to die. Luckily for her, Shiloh's powers kept her alive through her healing, although she was extremely damaged from all the experiments and abnormal changes that changed her body. She went back to Anatole, who had been living in hiding, after hearing about his master, but readily took the girl in when she found him. She went back to the States, and found that her family had been murdered. That was a year ago...
Power(s):Shiloh's main power is Clairvoyance(she can see the future), although she is self-healing as well. Even though she had dozens of injections from other people with powers, Shiloh only maintained a few. She control water, levitate, and has a unique power that was created from all the implants. Depending on her emotions and moods at the moment, she gets out of control when her pulse reaches 200, and can't control her actions. Ultimately, she basically has so many powers, but can't control them by herself, until her emotions kick in, and then she doesn't know what she's doing, and can't remember what happened when she gets out.