Josh didnt no what to do. Sana was betraying Magneto. But should he work with Magneto? He whipped away his memory. And Josh certainly didnt want his freedom of thought to be taken away. But what about Katie? He was tought to hate her, but yet Katie and Sana said that he liked her. Josh looked at Sana sternly. "I'm sick of this! I don't know what side I'm on! I don't know who's my friend and who's not. I quit! I won't join the Brotherhood, I won't join the X-men, I won't join Katie or you, and I certainly won't join the humans! I'm leaving Sana!" Josh walked away angerly.
He quickly left the mansion, got on his motorcycle and drove away without being noticed. For miles he drove, far away. He couldnt go anywhere with people, he was a fugitive. He had to be somewhere hidden. He left the state of New York and took a trip to Penslvania. He had friends, that were mutants, that lived in a house in the moutains. When Magneto whipped out his mind, he only erased the things that had to do with Katie or the X-men. But Magneto wanted him to remember his previous life and his hatred to humans. Josh remembered when he was on the run for his life he met these people. One of them was a mutant named Brad, his girlfriend Crystal, and Crystal's brother Kyle(who's name Josh used to cover up his own.) He parked his bike in a wooded property that said "Do not enter, all tresspassers will be killed." Josh turned of his image inducer so his friends could reconize him. He started to climb up the moutain, not looking back.