OOC: Guys, no one knows Proffessor X is dead. Mystique is impersonating him, and she is teaching the students in the way of the brotherhood. She was able to block her mind from telepathy (with an invention from Magneto), but Jarod suspected her of not being the Proffessor. Since King of the Hallows left this RPG, I now have control of Jarod. Jarod has been eavsdropped on a phone conversation between The Proffessor(really Mystique) and Magneto and overheard where the body was burried. So he decided to start to dig it up to be certain.
IC: Jarod was digging the ground near the courtyard. He had to prove that the person running the school was really Mystique. Because Sana and Katie had been away, searching for Josh, he was in charge while they were gone. Katie had certainly changed, since she met Josh. Jarod hated him for messing up Katie's life. He had, since he first met her, seceretly liked Katie, but he never admitted it. And it pained him to see her obssessed and all over Josh. He kept digging untill it was almost nightime, when suddenly he uncovered the Proffessor's dead body! It was all covered in dirt and his skin had rotted a bit. Jarods eyes opened wide. SHE KILLED HIM!! He wouldnt let Mystique get away with this. The Proffessor had to be avenged! He turned around to enter the school, but there, stood before him, Mystique.